I think we have just been insulted......

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Sounds like a man who is threatened by the competition to me.

It is very disrespectful.

Publié le 20:25 31 Mar 2009 EDT

sagefox avatar
sagefox dit

Back when I sold paintings..I once had a professor walk up to my table with a group of college kids following behind him and he launched into a speech about how wonderful & talented my work was..and as he went about boasting the art program of the local college and asked where I trained.. I informed him that I was self taught and he stuck his nose in the air and said, "Well...then...you are not really an artist!" and walked away!! I never forgot that. How could I be talented one minute..and a "nothing" the next? Like the others said..snobs will be snobs :(

Publié le 20:25 31 Mar 2009 EDT

thebeadingtree avatar
thebeadingtree dit

LOL! You were a tiny bit faster than me, embellishedlife.

Publié le 20:25 31 Mar 2009 EDT

woolies dit

And....what exactly is wrong with knitted toys?????

Publié le 20:26 31 Mar 2009 EDT

CrochetandStitches avatar
CrochetandStitches dit

Sounds like the attitude of every art professor I had in college. Thank goodness I didn't chose art as a major and have to deal with these people every day. I remember vividly that unless you were an art major, you basically automatically failed a few of the classes because the professors automatically assumed because you weren't "gifted" so you couldn't possibly do anything worthy.

Let me clarify that I'm not saying all professional artists are that way. I don't know all of you out there in the world. :) I'm just referring to that small group of them who happened to be at the college I attended.

Publié le 20:27 31 Mar 2009 EDT

i bet he's never even looked on etsy,he couldn't have and said that.

Publié le 20:27 31 Mar 2009 EDT

I've always found glue guns tricky, myself.

Publié le 20:27 31 Mar 2009 EDT

foxaz dit

everyone's entitled to their opinion.
I wouldn't worry about what others think.

Publié le 20:27 31 Mar 2009 EDT

luckyd dit

What a giant Dbag! I think that just like so many people here my work is art!

Publié le 20:28 31 Mar 2009 EDT

That is one thing that makes me dislike the art world---why do people have to be so darn snobby? Maybe he feels threatened by the fact that so many people are creating such wonderful things without the rigors of academia!!?? I thing it's great that so many people are being so creative and that Etsy has made it possible for crafters/artists to sell directly to buyers--this empowers all of us!

Publié le 20:28 31 Mar 2009 EDT