Etsy Top 10 (10.12.09) Enter your shop!!!!

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I just commented, tweeted and would love to be considered too! here is my store link

Publicación: 19:25 11 Oct 2009 EDT

MerCurios dice

I love "dream on" - #6. the *meaning* calls out to me. Groom your children to make great choices in life - do not force yours on them.

What can I say, I'm feeling a philosophical today.

Thanks in advance for the consideration.

Publicación: 19:38 11 Oct 2009 EDT

petitange dice

I think the Bark Pocketbook is totally unique! Off to comment! Thanks for considering my shop.

Publicación: 19:40 11 Oct 2009 EDT

Jodaycraf dice

I would love to be considered. I tweeted on the links you had posted.

My shop is:

Publicación: 19:42 11 Oct 2009 EDT

Hey, I would love to be considered!!

Here's my favorite item--I love the cloth bags.


My shop and blog are

PS I have used your tip about making a better profile page and have a video link posted.

Publicación: 19:46 11 Oct 2009 EDT

Jodaycraf dice

Vintage Golden Leaves is my favorite from last week.

Publicación: 19:47 11 Oct 2009 EDT

jennuinecandles avatar
jennuinecandles dice

I just commented and tweeted.

Thank you for considering my shop for your next Top 10.


Publicación: 19:47 11 Oct 2009 EDT

JustJaynes dice

Please consider my shop!
Thanks for all you do Timothy. Looking forward to Tuesday's webinar!

Publicación: 19:47 11 Oct 2009 EDT

Would love to be considered Tim..I am lovin the add results my shop is getting with your blog. Keep up the great work.

Publicación: 20:16 11 Oct 2009 EDT

Thank you for including my "Dream On" in this week's Top Ten. I don't Tweet - yet - so it took me a bit to find where the views were coming from. This newbie thanks you for the bump.

Publicación: 20:17 11 Oct 2009 EDT