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************* MONDAY BLOG POST CHALLENGE **********

Today is the day to focus on blogging. If you don't have a blog consider starting one, only 20-30 minutes to initially set up one.
If you have a blog, do a new post. Fresh content gives you a boost with Google searches! You can do a wordless post, filled with amazing pictures, feature some of our sellers, blog about our upcoming solo Frenzy Wednesday for Bounty of beads!
Monday is also the day to update your blog list for our thread, or start one. Again 30 minutes to do this task.
For more information go here:

*** Post a link to your updated blog below and please follow each other, and comment!! Promote with twitter, etsy forums etc. **********

Posted at 10:18am Dec 6, 2010 EST

The Hudsons avatar
moxiegoods says

I just posted the Handmade Holiday show on my blog. It's all about supporting handmade designers with interviews and 9 giveaways! All you have to do is comment to win.

Also check out my shop for 40-50% off all Holiday items this week!

Posted at 10:24am Dec 6, 2010 EST

Oh wow!!! A blog post challenge, I like that one!!!

Off to write!!!

Posted at 10:32am Dec 6, 2010 EST

I'm looking at ordering wall calendars...anyone interested? It would feature the photos from this calendar.
If I have enough interest, I'll be putting in an order end of this week or early next week. I have to do a minimum order, so hoping it will be worth it!

Posted at 10:48am Dec 6, 2010 EST

My Etsy Expat group's treasury is on page 2 of the treasury page. Come join in! Deals galore!

Posted at 11:02am Dec 6, 2010 EST

Hi all,
Crystal, I just entered your giveaway - several times. :)

I've got some running around to do today after I get my workout in, but will get my blog updated after that.

Have a fantastic day everyone!

Shop Bagsofblessing through December31st, use coupon code "HOLIDAY 2010" and receive 15% off you purchase! All items to the US and Canada ship for FREE also!

Posted at 11:17am Dec 6, 2010 EST

BijiBijoux says

20% OFF 20% OFF Prices reduced already!
Everything 20% off Supplies 5% off

Posted at 11:21am Dec 6, 2010 EST

Good morning everyone!

Posted at 11:27am Dec 6, 2010 EST

A reminder to everyone who is interested All of my Kawaii tea light candle holders have been slashed in price now sets are only $5 & $7 to clear out my stock so I can bring in new stock in the spring

Posted at 11:30am Dec 6, 2010 EST