Polititians Against Infant Formula

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Joe Swinehart avatar
RowleyBaby says

In the news:

Manhattan: No More Baby Formula in Gift Bags

Published: August 1, 2007
New York City’s 11 public hospitals will no longer offer free samples of baby formula in gift bags to new mothers, the city’s Health and Hospitals Corporation announced yesterday. The agency said the decision was meant to promote breast-feeding as part of the city’s campaign to improve infant health. The agency estimated that 24 percent of women who deliver at public hospitals breast-feed exclusively after they are discharged, up from fewer than 15 percent of such women a year ago. “Breast-feeding is a very important way to protect the health of babies and mothers,” said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the commissioner of the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Officials with the hospital agency said formula would be available for women who request it.


Posted at 11:47am Aug 2, 2007 EDT


YappsCottageDecor avatar
YappsCottageDecor says

Yay for breastfeeding! I did it. There's no bond like it. Baby formula stinks...

I tried to get my daughter to breastfeed but she was selfish and said it was too time consuming. I'm sorry, but my babies were worth the extra time.


Posted at 11:51am Aug 2, 2007 EDT

whittamore avatar
whittamore says

at least they are making formula available.
i just had my boy 9 weeks ago. i started off with the full intention of breast feeding. he had other ideas. after 3 days of help from several breast feeding specialist and my baby eating pretty much nothing i gave up and put him on a bottle. he's been happy ever since. breast may be best, but it doesn't always work.

Posted at 11:52am Aug 2, 2007 EDT

BeadsDeep says

both of my babies were formula fed. both turned out perfect :)

Posted at 11:55am Aug 2, 2007 EDT

Joe Swinehart avatar
RowleyBaby says

yep... breastfed my 1st until 12 months

2nd, wouldn't gain weight, actually lost weight (more than just the average newborn loses), even after 10 days hadn't gained it back... lactation consultant even came out to my house... nothing worked... we supplemented w/ formula, and he started gaining.

Who knows why? was it my lack of dedication or love for my baby? Nope. Some things just can't be controlled.

I agree 100% that breastfeeding is ideal. Unfortunatley, my life isn't ideal... so I have to "make do" sometimes.

good job to the moms/babies who do great w/ breastfeeding!

but it's hard on the rest of us when infant formula is put into the same category as trans fats by a bunch of male polititians...

Posted at 11:57am Aug 2, 2007 EDT

Although breastfeeding is great, it's not for everyone.

Posted at 11:59am Aug 2, 2007 EDT

That is, in my opinion, a bad idea.

Here is why, via my personal experience:

When my firstborn was born, he nursed fine in the hospital. We went home and all of a sudden he refused to latch on. He was born three weeks early and after losing the normal post-birth weight, was down to 5 lbs 9 oz.

I tried for 24-hours to nurse him. A lactation nurse came out to help the day after we got home. Finally, at 11 pm that night, we called the lactation nurse in tears. I had been trying to self express to bottle feed him and was only managing to get 1 tsp, if that. She said make up some formula right away, that baby needs food!

The next morning she showed up first thing with an electric pump and I was able to express my own milk and bottle feed him until we finally convinced him to latch on himself.

But without that formula sample, my husband would have been running to the store in the middle of the night - stressed, worried, upset and frazzled while I remained at home anxiously awaiting him, also stressed, worried, upset and frazzled!

Anyway, that is the reason I am thankful for the formula sample. I breast-fed two babies, but I did end up supplementing with formula after my milk supply started diminishing. They both seem quite healthy! :)

Posted at 12:00pm Aug 2, 2007 EDT

Joe Swinehart avatar
RowleyBaby says

I wish it were!

Less waste and consumption for the planet - I think of the packaging, the fuel it takes to get the formula to my door, the bottles (which is better? plastic or glass? jury is still out), the water and resources to wash the bottles... it goes on and on... I wish breastfeeding worked for everyone!

but, even with lots of effort, sometimes it just isn't possible. Do the polititians "get" that?

Posted at 12:01pm Aug 2, 2007 EDT

some mommies cant breast feed and feel guilt about it..i know i did, and HAVE to use formula. some mommies chose not to, some babies just dont take to breast feeding. It is best, but sometimes, because of eextrenuating circumstances, doesnt work. I do know some mommies who has been verbally attacked in forums (NOT IN ETSY) because they didnt breastfeed.
as long as the babies are being taken care of, i guess its the baby/mommy choice

Posted at 12:01pm Aug 2, 2007 EDT

hospitals should *have* formula on hand for those infants who may *need* it, but i don't think it birth should be a marketing opportunity for nestle co, sorry. get big business out of the act of feeding your baby!

Posted at 12:03pm Aug 2, 2007 EDT