Beware of these People In The Forums

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Original Post

mlm1079 says

The following shops seem to always bash others in the forums so I just wanted for all of you to beware! They feed off of one another because they have nothing better to do. I am sure they will have very nice things to say after I post their names here:





Oh, and this one was good NORIAJEWELRY

NoriaJewelry says:
TheMidnightOrange says:
mlm - i find it so interesting that to get to know more about a person, you would turn to pieces that others made vs. what they made themselves, or perhaps what they wrote in their profile. No less interesting was your treatment of others in this thread who don't agree with you. I had to know more, and thought "What is a person who acts this way like?" so I used your theory and looked through your faves to learn more. and i found this...

ps - I like that a lot too. ;)

D. Antonia

Ok, so the list goes on and on. I know that I will not hear the end of this one, but it's about time someone stands up to these people. It is totally high school and they ruin the reasons for posting on threads. So there it is. Those are just a few.

Posted at 12:35am Nov 14, 2010 EST


Naps says

wow, this will be slammed closed shortly.

Posted at 12:37am Nov 14, 2010 EST

oh oh

Posted at 12:37am Nov 14, 2010 EST

Oh my.

Thanks OP. I am speechless.

Posted at 12:38am Nov 14, 2010 EST

mlm1079 says

You can view all of their nastiness on my thread. So vicious. They should be shut down. This is totally insane.

Posted at 12:38am Nov 14, 2010 EST

anee says

Please don't call out other members of our community. Thank you.

# Discussing a specific member, shop or item (either by name or with identifiable hints) in a negative way is not allowed. This is referred to as "calling out."

Posted at 12:38am Nov 14, 2010 EST