
The World of the cutest Animal Planters!

Ferrare, Italie
| 10 710 ventes | 5 étoiles sur 5 5 étoiles sur 5

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Annonce    ❆ ❆ ❆ Christmas and Holidays ❆ ❆ ❆
The little planters receive a lot of love, especially during the holiday season and other great festivities :-), the stock is always quite low but I'm making new planters every day.

If you need your gift for a specific date let me know in the note to seller text box.

Feel free to message me to ask for more info.

⭐😻 Stella & the cute planters 😻⭐
The original cutest animal planters and a rainbow of colorful accessories for your home.
If you have any questions regarding a product, please hit the “Contact Shop Owner” button on the left of the page and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Big hugs, healing vibes, and smiles to all from Italy

Stella & the cute planters

For minimalist home decor and unique Waldorf-inspired toys for kids visit
Follow me on INSTAGRAM for special discounts, giveaways, and cool stuff <3


Dernière mise à jour : 05 déc. 2023

❆ ❆ ❆ Christmas and Holidays ❆ ❆ ❆
The little planters receive a lot of love, especially during the holiday season and other great festivities :-), the stock is always quite low but I'm making new planters every day.

If you need your gift for a specific date let me know in the note to seller text box.

Feel free to message me to ask for more info.

⭐😻 Stella & the cute planters 😻⭐
The original cutest animal planters and a rainbow of colorful accessories for your home.
If you have any questions regarding a product, please hit the “Contact Shop Owner” button on the left of the page and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Big hugs, healing vibes, and smiles to all from Italy

Stella & the cute planters

For minimalist home decor and unique Waldorf-inspired toys for kids visit
Follow me on INSTAGRAM for special discounts, giveaways, and cool stuff <3

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Stella Melgrati

Contacter le vendeur

Stella Melgrati


Moyenne des évaluations
5 étoiles sur 5

A propos de theYarnKitchen

Ventes 10 710
Sur Etsy depuis 2011

A rainbow dream....

Membres de la boutique

  • Stella

    Propriétaire, Maker, Designer, Curateur

    50 years mum, knitter, crocheter, cooker, fiber artist, reader, passionate about almost everything on earth not necessarily in this order. A felt class opens the door .... and I'm here to share with you my passion.

Conditions générales de vente

Mise à jour : 24 mai 2018

Frais de livraison

Consultez les détails de l'article pour obtenir une estimation de la date d'arrivée.

Taxes de douane et d'import

Les éventuelles taxes de douane et d'importation sont à la charge des acheteurs. Je ne suis pas responsable des délais causés par la douane.

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Annulations : acceptées

Une annulation peut être demandée sous : 2 jours après l'achat

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Plus d'informations

Dernière mise à jour : 07 nov. 2023

I use INTERNATIONAL PRIORITY MAIL for shipping. This is NOT TRACKED but affordable, fast and reliable.

Usually, the shipment takes:

3/4 working days in EUROPE
(Update Feb 18. Shipments to the UK are taking about 5/6 working days)
6/7 working days in the USA
7/8 working days in AUSTRALIA and the FAR EAST

I can't control the process and sometimes a single shipment takes more because it takes the wrong way or remains at custom.

Contact me if you are worried about your shipment or you need support, I will get back in less than 24H :-)

About the OCTOPUS

The octopus is for AIR PLANTS only.

TILLANDSIA is a tropical plant that doesn't need soil to grow as it absorbs nutrients from the leaves.

Holding air plant upside down is healthy for the plant because it fears humidity at the base after watering.

The plant I use in particular is a Tillandsia Caput medusae that is one of my preferred.

When the air is too dry you can spray the leaves and sometimes take it out and give a plain splash for a quarter of hour or so and then place back in the octopus head :-)

The plant is secured to the felt pod by a thread that I leave inside.

Simply wrap around the plant like a sort of sling and that is sufficient to hold the plant securely inside.

Planters size

The planters (animal planters, pod planters, hanging planters) are small (and really cute), intended for little succulents contained in a 2" (5cm) little plastic pot.

The size is clearly indicated in each listing.

If you need more information feel free to write to me for more details.

Care instructions

The planters don't have a hole and are not lined.

Felt is waterproof to a certain extent. It means that if some water occasionally spills the felt doesn't absorb it, but it is better to remove and dry the felt because it is biodegradable and can be attacked by mold.

I use my planters along with the little plastic pot that comes from the nursery. During the hot season I take the pot out and give a good splash to my plants, then I replace them after few minutes.

Felt planters are best paired with low maintenance plants like cactus and succulents.

Where can I buy the right plant?

I'm a succulent lover and I buy my plants directly from the nursery or online.

There are a lot of sellers here on Etsy, on eBay and also at local sellers.

For the USA I have partnered with Linda from Succulent Oasis and you can find a listing just perfect for my planters

I got my air plant in Europe (usually from Till Herba Caeli on Etsy from Berlin)

If you are in the USA you can find them through Etsy (for example or on eBay where you can find really a lot (much more than in Europe actually).

If you need more information feel free to write to me for more details :-)

Wholesale availability

I welcome wholesale request. Just send me a convo to discuss your needs.

Wholesale orders are final.

Return and refunding on wholesale orders will be ONLY for products defects or damage during shipping.

❆ ❆ ❆ Christmas and Holidays ❆ ❆ ❆

The little planters receive a lot of love especially during the holiday season and other great festivities :-), the stock is always quite low but I'm making new planters every day.

If you need your gift for a specific date let me know in the note to seller text box.

Feel free to message me to ask for more info.

Multiple purchases

I have boxes for individual planters, for a set of 2, set of 3 and set of 4. If you order more than one planter I will choose the box that fit them best.

If you need them packed in a specific way, all individual boxes or other configurations let me know by message or in the note to seller text box

Coordonnées du vendeur

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