This Mother's Day, do one better than breakfast in bed with a DIY photo tray personalized just for her.
Every mom deserves pampering on her special day. Breakfast in bed? Been there, done that. Breakfast in bed on a beautiful tray made with photos of everyone Mom loves? Now we're talking! This project is an easy way to make Mom (or Grandma, or Dad, or anyone you love) feel extra special. Even better? It's a great project for kids and adults to make together. At a glance Time: 1–2 hours plus drying time Difficulty: Moderate
You will need:
- An assortment of photos (home-printed photos are fine)
- Scissors
- Rimmed tray
- Glue stick or paste
- Resin kit
- Disposable cup
Step 1: Cut out your photos using a sharp pair of scissors.
Reserve some larger photos to cover the base of the tray and spread them out to cover as much real estate as possible. Layer your cut-out photos on top.
Step 2: Use a glue stick to paste down the photos. You'll find that most glue sticks are forgiving if you decide to move things around a bit, and smudges are easy to wipe off the surface of glossy photos so don't worry about making minor adjustments. Allow the glue to dry.
Step 3: In a well-ventilated room, while wearing gloves, mix equal parts of resin and hardener (both bottles will be in the kit—follow directions accordingly). Be sure to use a disposable cup, as the resin will not wash off.
Step 4: After the resin is thoroughly mixed it should be the same consistency as maple syrup. Pour a thin layer over the tray and give it a few minutes to settle and spread itself over the surface. You might want to help it move along with a plastic utensil, but don’t worry about smoothing it out. The resin will smooth itself in time.
Step 5: Most air bubbles will dissolve after an hour or so, but you may want to poke them with a pin if you see any stragglers. Dry time will depend on the size of your tray and how thick you poured the resin, but usually 48 hours will do the job. Be sure to let the tray cure on a clean, dry, level surface.
When the resin hardens, it will be smooth like glass. And now you're ready to surprise Mom with a homemade gift that she can use as a functional tray year-round. It’s the gift that keeps on giving! Photos and styling by Aunt Peaches.