Home wall decor enhances the look and atmosphere of any room in your house. When selecting wall decor for your spaces, opt for items that integrate with your interior color choices or look for contrasting accents to make the piece stand out. When determining your home decor style, select the pieces that best suit you and your space.
To complement your existing decor, choose colors that match your current aesthetic to help give the space a cohesive look. Mirrors as a hallway or staircase wall decor option can make a passage feel more spacious. In large areas, mirrors enhance a current design scheme by reflecting the colors and textures of the existing decor.
Neutral tones like beige, ivory, white, and gray blend perfectly into any color scheme—a terrific choice for wall decor to make dining and living rooms feel welcoming. Framed prints awash in modest colors, gray metal frames, and wooden accents often do a wonderful job of merging off-colored decor into the existing scheme.
Contrasting colors are a fantastic opportunity to highlight a showpiece by making it pop. A vividly colored wall hanging or a bright painting draws attention to the piece by making it stand out when placed against a backdrop of neutral tones.