Price: 350.00 DKK+
Artprint of A different Portrait
Denmark-based shop
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Artprint af maleriet "A different Portrait", som viser et skab. Et troldmandsskab fyldt med alle de vidunderlige og magiske ting, som troldmandseleven møder gennem sit første år på troldmandsskolen. Der er alle hans skolebøger, vidunderlige slik og hints til besværgelser og mystiske hændelser det år.
Maleriet fås i 3 forskellige størrelser og er trykt på 240g FineArtPaper fra en FSC-certificeret og svanemærket dansk trykkeri. Artprint der bliver vist i videoen er 30x40cm og 50x70cm.
Det er et fanlavet produkt, og det sælges også som postkort og puslespil i forskellige størrelser.
Forsendelse i Danmark vil tage op til 5 hverdage.
Forsendelse i Europa vil tage op til 4-6 hverdage + tilpasset tid til lande uden for EU
Forsendelse uden for Europa vil tage 6-10 hverdage + tilpasset tid.
Jeg vil gøre mit bedste for at sende din ordre så hurtigt som muligt, men bestemt inden for 4-5 dage.
Du er velkommen til at kontakte mig med spørgsmål inden du køber.
Følg mig på
eller for at se processen med at lave maleriet og andre kreationer.
Med venlig hilsen
Sara Fog
This is a artprint of the painting “A different Portrait”, which shows a cabinet. A wizards cabinet filled with all of the wonderful and magical items that he encounters through his first year at Wizard school. There are all of his schoolbooks, wondrous candy and hints to spells and mystical incidents that year.
The painting comes in 3 different sizes and is printed on 240g FineArtPaper from a FSC-Certificated and Swan labeled danish printer company. Artprint shown in video are 30x40cm and 50x70cm.
It’s a fanmade product and it's also sold as postcards and puzzle in different sizes.
Shipping in Denmark will take up to 5 weekdays.
Shipping in Europe will take up to 4-6 weekdays + custom time to countries outside the EU
Shiping outside Europe will take 6-10 weekdays + custom time.
I’ll do my very best to ship your order as quickly as possible, but definitely within 4-5 days.
You're welcome to contact me with any questions before purchasing.
Do follow me on
or to se the process of making the painting and other creations.
Sara Fog
Order today to get by Jan 31-Feb 5
Returns & exchanges accepted within 30 days
Cost to ship: 49.00 DKK
Ships from: Denmark
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Other reviews from this shop
I got this for my nephew who absolutely adored the pictures! And you get a pdf copy so I will be able to give him as many as each photo as he wants! Plus, I can print some pages for me too!
I really love the hearts! She is so talented. I really hope she will design more HP hearts. I’m first in line to buy!
Beautiful cards in a high quality. The shipping was fast and safe (cards were well protected). Also, I simply love the motive, with so many amazing details to find.
Amazing absolutely love it, keeping my mind occupied over lockdown.
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