An improvement to search on Etsy built to help shoppers discover more of the unique marketplace
Shoppers come to Etsy to search, discover and shop from a global marketplace of handmade and vintage items they can’t find anywhere else. With over 30 million unique listings, Etsy gives shoppers the chance to discover one-of-a-kind products across a sea of options. With so many unique creations, we want to make sure shoppers have a streamlined search process, so today we’re introducing an update to search that will help shoppers more easily browse, filter for, and buy that perfect item, even when they may not have something specific in mind. Previously, shoppers who searched with broad keywords wouldn’t readily see the breadth of items available to them. With this update to search, our community will now be able to more easily find the most relevant products for them, whether browsing by category -- such as home, wedding, or women’s products -- feature, or product type. With streamlined categories, our enhanced search will serve as a kind of guided conversation with visual cues that aid and encourage deeper exploration. For example, when searching jewelry, shoppers will now be presented with streamlined sub-categories like necklaces, bracelets, and rings, versus having to identify a specific type of product from the beginning. Similarly, someone searching with a broad term -- like wool -- will be led to relevant categories with items that more closely match their search, making it easier to narrow in on specific items. For example, wool accessories, wool clothing and wool craft supplies will appear as suggestions. [caption id="attachment_8816947" align="aligncenter" width="570"] |#|[/caption] In early testing we’ve seen great response from the community, especially around its effectiveness to boost inspiration and a feeling of accessibility to Etsy’s vast array of offerings. We’ve seen an increase in search engagement metrics by more than 10% with a more pronounced effect on mobile web. Respondents reported better experiences with product browsing, particularly with narrowing results and finding products they need, and even that they felt better overall about the range and quality of items available on Etsy. This updated search is now available on desktop and mobile web, and we are working to bring this functionality to our mobile app in the near future. We’re always working to better our marketplace for our community of buyers and sellers alike, and today’s announcement is just the first line of improvements we will be rolling out. We look forward to your thoughts as we continue to enhance search -- and discovery -- on Etsy.