
A Wrinkle in Time

Minesota, EUA

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Anúncio    Welcome to A Wrinkle in Time -- VIntage and/or antiques, collectibles, toys, books, photos, mid-century modern, industrial, ephemera, and many other found or rescued items, ready for a new home!

I love a dusty attic, a crowded basement, a dark garage, and shelves overflowing with books. I brake for Garage Sales? You bet! Flea Market? I'm there! Thrift Store? Just try and stop me! Rummage Sales, Auctions, Estate Sales, Church Fundraisers -- I love the thrill of the hunt and the thought that something great is just around the corner; those lovely wrinkles in time.

Many of the items I sell are things I have picked up over the years, bits and pieces of the past that I couldn't leave behind or live without. Other listings are newly found treasures selected with you, the discerning & artistic Etsy vintage shopper, in mind. I love them all, and I think you'll like them too!



A Wrinkle in Time -- Vintage Books, Paper, Toys and Treasures.


Última atualização em 25 de Mar de 2016

Welcome to A Wrinkle in Time -- VIntage and/or antiques, collectibles, toys, books, photos, mid-century modern, industrial, ephemera, and many other found or rescued items, ready for a new home!

I love a dusty attic, a crowded basement, a dark garage, and shelves overflowing with books. I brake for Garage Sales? You bet! Flea Market? I'm there! Thrift Store? Just try and stop me! Rummage Sales, Auctions, Estate Sales, Church Fundraisers -- I love the thrill of the hunt and the thought that something great is just around the corner; those lovely wrinkles in time.

Many of the items I sell are things I have picked up over the years, bits and pieces of the past that I couldn't leave behind or live without. Other listings are newly found treasures selected with you, the discerning & artistic Etsy vintage shopper, in mind. I love them all, and I think you'll like them too!



A Wrinkle in Time -- Vintage Books, Paper, Toys and Treasures.

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Arden Cody

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Arden Cody


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Última atualização em 25 de Mar de 2016


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