You might find me in the park or in the city taking pictures of something simple, like a tree, or a sprinkler. That’s because I believe in life’s beauty and the little things make our life full of moments.
That’s why I like my slogan: Capture Life.
Who I am, really roots from where I am.
When I was ten years of age. This was the time of black and white photos, films, and dark rooms. For my Birthday, my father gave me my very own camera, Smena 8M and exposimeter, Leningrad 4 (which I still have). I would take pictures of absolutely everything; architecture, friends, animals, nature, and also screen shots of cartoons directly from TV. I would even sell my photos to classmates during recess. My second camera was Zenit-E with a 50mm f/2 lens. I used this camera until 1999. In a few years, digital cameras were discovered. I started using Canon. My collection of photography multiplied by thousands. I traveled a lot, and I never missed an opportunity to take great pictures.
When I was 13 I took up Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and table tennis. I always remember playing baseball or soccer in the summers.
I started training and playing baseball professionally, after that I was invited to play into Junior team for my city. We travel a lot every season.
What I do know is that every adventure I take, I will take full force and spearhead to the best of my ability.
I’d say I have a free spirit, an open mind and a kind heart.
I visited Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Lithuania, Egypt, Turkey and the United States.
I'm lucky to have some really great people in my life that will always support me, build me up and protect me. My Parents, Good faithful friends, Good family members, and of course my Lovely wife, she make a great change in my life.
The most impact in my life to be in photography business came to me in Bay Area. After a long period of time without good equipment I bought my first DSLR. And took my Professional Photography course in New York School.
I also love doing photography because it is allows you to see something from a new angle and a completely different perspective. You can make an art with one click. Capturing moments in time and memories.
I like to think I'm responsible and confident. Slowly, but surely.
Sometimes I feel more insecure as I've aged, but it just depends on the moment of life. So yes, sometimes I'm a little insecure. But, I'll stand up for what I believe in.
And in this store, you'll see through my lens perspective, moments of my amazing experience, of my life, hopefully include some photos, comments, society and smiles.
Stay tuned,
Alex Vakulin