Abundant Spirit Birth Services is now selling on Etsy! I've had many requests from those who would like to leave reviews of their products, but do not use Facebook. So, I've reopened my Etsy shop so people can leave all the reviews that they would like on the products that they love!
Sophie on Sep 25, 2021
5 out of 5 starsMy midwife and I discussed possibly needing an induction due to a large baby and going over 40 weeks. When I saw this was available I immediately purchased and read it in one sitting. It was easy to understand and gave me the confidence to go into my next appointment with the right questions to make me feel like I was making informed decisions with my midwife. I didn't end up needing to be induced, but what I learned in the book still helped me advocate for myself during my labor at the hospital. Thank you!
Sophia on May 11, 2021
5 out of 5 starsJust took an absolutely magical bath with this! It smells lush and vibrant and gave my bath sparkly mermaid vibes!
Mariah on May 11, 2021
5 out of 5 starsThis the fourth soap I've purchased from AbundantSpiritBirth, and I have loved them all. The eucalyptus soap is gorgeous, just to start, and it smells wonderful. I love the incorporation of different textures in the soaps. I also really appreciate that the soaps leave my skin feeling healthy and rich (not dried out like other bar soaps I've tried)! The bonus was a sample of another beautiful soap and inclusion of an amazingly-scented tea candle in my package--which arrived so quickly!
Kristine on May 4, 2021
5 out of 5 starsBrya does a fantastic and thoughtful reading for the spreads! I’ve booked a spread from her before and I can see her continuous growth and excellence. She does a wonderful job of explaining what each cards mean, especially if you’re not familiar with Tarot reading. I’m always anticipating her email and she does not disappoint! Additionally, she’s very communicative of when you should expect your reading. Can’t wait to book another spread from her!
Kristine on May 4, 2021
5 out of 5 starsBrya does a fantastic and thoughtful reading for the spreads! I’ve booked a spread from her before and I can see her continuous growth and excellence. She does a wonderful job of explaining what each cards mean, especially if you’re not familiar with Tarot reading. I’m always anticipating her email and she does not disappoint! Additionally, she’s very communicative of when you should expect your reading. Can’t wait to book another spread from her!
Lizzy on Apr 19, 2021
5 out of 5 starsThis stuff has really helped by hands heal. The frequent hand washing due to covid has brought back my eczema, so I make sure to put this on at night to help seal in moisture.
Lizzy on Apr 19, 2021
5 out of 5 starsThis soap is amazing! It left my skin very soft and refreshed. The scent isn’t overpowering which I love. I also really like the coffee gathered at the bottom of the soap so you can just scrub it directly on your skin.
About AbundantSpiritBirth
A Midwest-based doula selling informative eBooks and birth stickers
Shop members
Brya Johnson
Owner, Maker
I am Brya Johnson! The Owner and Maker of Abundant Spirit Birth's products and tarot card reader. I work to provide reproductive justice based services for anyone interested in them! Feel free to ask me questions anytime!