
Specializing in custom gifts made from real maps!

North Carolina, United States
| 6,535 Sales | 5 out of 5 stars 5 out of 5 stars

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Announcement    Hip Little Squares features personalized gifts made from maps. Choose your map and frame for a one of a kind memento. Also available are ticket shadow boxes and a section of items that are ready to ship now!


Last updated on Dec 25, 2023

Hip Little Squares features personalized gifts made from maps. Choose your map and frame for a one of a kind memento. Also available are ticket shadow boxes and a section of items that are ready to ship now!

6535 Sales

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Denise Smith

Contact shop owner

Denise Smith


Average item review
5 out of 5 stars

About HipLittleSquares

Sales 6,535
On Etsy since 2013

Who doesn't love gifts?

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  • Denise

    Owner, Creator

Shop policies

Last updated on February 16, 2023

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Paypal Visa Mastercard Discover Apple Pay Klarna Giftcard
Accepts Etsy Gift Cards and Etsy Credits

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