ShelbyEvans is taking a short break
Anonymous on Nov 27, 2009
3 out of 5 starsit finally arrived! though not shelby's fault, due to a mixup with shipping labels, this necklace took about a month and a half to get to me. though shelby offered me a 20% discount for the inconveinence, i got very concerned at points, and it sometimes took several days to get a response to my messages. the necklace, however, is beautiful, and i'm very happy i purchased it.
Anonymous on Jul 6, 2009
5 out of 5 starsThis seller is great! She wants to make sure you are pleased with your purchase. My sister announced she was pregnant the day after I ordered the necklace with her three kids' names. I couldn't believe it! Instead of charging me full price for a whole new necklace, Shelby sold me a new one at a reduced rate and accepted the old one as a return. She made the new one with a blank circle so after the child is born I can add their name to the necklace. The new necklace just arrived today and it is gorgeous. I can't wait to give it to my sister and can't wait to tell her that her next child's name can be added later. She will be thrilled. Thanks for all of your hard work Shelby and all of the conversations back and forth to make sure we go it right.