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Rita Leadbeater on 11 Dec, 2024
5 out of 5 starsThank you, delived within 2 weeks. I still need another plate the same as received.
Thais on 04 Oct, 2024
5 out of 5 starsI had been looking for this book for a long time (I had it once and lent it to someone!). It is the best book on preserves published by the WI, ever! Thanks
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Arrow books
London, England
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Cico books
London, England
Book publisher
Coats Craftsc
Darlington, England
Crafts Company
Collin’s & Brown publishers
London, England
Book publisher
David & Charles publshers
London, England
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Ivy Press
Lewes, England
Book publishers
London, England
Book publishers
Lark Books
NY, United States
Book publishing Company
Leisure Arts publishers
Book publishers
New Holland Publishers
London, England
Book publishers
Phoenix Publishers
London, England
Book publishers
Puffin books,
London, England
Book publisher
Search press
London, England
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