Goshens Game Round 30 BNR 5351 Sales! :)

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Goshengirl says

WOO HOO lets start year two!

**You must spend a min. of $4.50 before shipping. The price of the item or items must reach 4.50. Some sellers have allowed an item for less to count if you make up the additional $$ with paypal but most do not, so if you plan to go this route you MUST get the sellers permission to do so first.
Each person may only be on the list in one spot.
You can add all your shops on the line if you have more than one shop.


Buy and Replace game round 29 will run til midnight February 26th, etsy time. You go into a main BnR treasury.
1) The twelve shops left at the end time of round 29 will go into a main BnR treasury and this game will continue to round 30.
2) As quickly as I am able to Snag a main treasury the 12 shops who were on this list at the end time will be put in it.
3) 4.50 minimum BEFORE shipping
4) You must call your shop but not until the shop is posted on the current list.
5) You must post your transaction before being added to the list.
6) You must check in at least once every 72 hours or you will be removed. Give yourself a *
7) Transactions must be completed and PAID for before you replace a shop unless prior arrangements are made.

1. vivikas.etsy.com *
2. justdreaming.etsy.com *
3. Goshengirl.etsy.com *
4. yarncoture.etsy.com *
5. DesignsbyDanna.etsy.com *
6. cardsandnotes.etsy.com or jsjewelry.etsy.com*
7. krisybird.etsy.com
8. Oksi.etsy.com *
9. theearringjunkie.etsy.com or not2greedy.etsy.com *
10. bagsnstuff.etsy.com *
11. silverliningdesigns6.etsy.com *RME
12. wimsy.etsy.com RME *

*********************Sales 5351 ******************

Posted at 12:03am Feb 27, 2009 EST


Goshengirl says

WOO HOO lets start year two!

**You must spend a min. of $4.50 before shipping. The price of the item or items must reach 4.50. Some sellers have allowed an item for less to count if you make up the additional $$ with paypal but most do not, so if you plan to go this route you MUST get the sellers permission to do so first.
Each person may only be on the list in one spot.
You can add all your shops on the line if you have more than one shop.


Buy and Replace game round 30 will run til 10PM March 28th, etsy time. You go into a main BnR treasury.
1) The twelve shops left at the end time of round 29 will go into a main BnR treasury and this game will continue to round 31.
2) As quickly as I am able to Snag a main treasury the 12 shops who were on this list at the end time will be put in it.
3) 4.50 minimum BEFORE shipping
4) You must call your shop but not until the shop is posted on the current list.
5) You must post your transaction before being added to the list.
6) You must check in at least once every 72 hours or you will be removed. Give yourself a *
7) Transactions must be completed and PAID for before you replace a shop unless prior arrangements are made.

1. vivikas.etsy.com *
2. justdreaming.etsy.com *
3. Goshengirl.etsy.com *
4. yarncoture.etsy.com *
5. DesignsbyDanna.etsy.com *
6. cardsandnotes.etsy.com or jsjewelry.etsy.com*
7. krisybird.etsy.com
8. Oksi.etsy.com *
9. theearringjunkie.etsy.com or not2greedy.etsy.com *
10. bagsnstuff.etsy.com *
11. silverliningdesigns6.etsy.com *RME
12. wimsy.etsy.com RME *

*********************Sales 5351 ******************

Posted at 12:05am Feb 27, 2009 EST

wimsy says

Hey Hey and we are off!

Posted at 12:06am Feb 27, 2009 EST

wimsy says

At leaast I am lol

Posted at 12:07am Feb 27, 2009 EST

Goshengirl says

Hi ya Wimsy! Fresh new thread!

Posted at 12:07am Feb 27, 2009 EST

bagsnstuff says

and running now

^-^ << that cat is after that mouse....

Posted at 12:08am Feb 27, 2009 EST

wimsy says

5351 sales!

Posted at 12:08am Feb 27, 2009 EST

Goshengirl says

last round averaged over 10 sales a day in our thread!

Posted at 12:09am Feb 27, 2009 EST

wimsy says

We should be nice to mouses. I like them.

Posted at 12:09am Feb 27, 2009 EST