etsyBEADers! New idea...everyone read!

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Billet d'origine

Ok etsyBEAD members, here is the plan. Sunday, a thread will be started (by moi) asking for the New Theme Of The Week. First member to post gets to choose. Then, all members will be posting our thematic items to our Flickr group for the world to see.
Each member will also tag the Theme Item "EBTW" (stands for: "Etsy Bead Theme Week")as well as the name of the theme. For ex. "summertime blues"
This will make it EASY for all you interested buyers out there to find our Theme Items because they will be offered at SPECIAL REDUCED RATES!! Tentatively, 25% off!!! Woooo Hoooo!!!! Sale!! Buyers are sure to find something that interests them, and this hopefully will be a weekly event.
So...sellers and you have YOUR free Flickr account yet??

Publié le 23:11 12 juin 2007 EDT


Is it possible to become an etsyBEAD member?

Publié le 23:13 12 juin 2007 EDT

I do believe so Munkie! Someone who knows something??? Anyone? (looking around...) ...I don't really work in this department...umm...somebody??

Who should Munkie contact about membership?

Publié le 23:18 12 juin 2007 EDT

Sandra Eileen avatar
sandraeileenjewelry dit

not me.

Publié le 23:36 12 juin 2007 EDT

well hopefully someone...sometime..

Publié le 23:41 12 juin 2007 EDT

We're new here...
The group is very enthusiastic, but we don't have all the details ironed out yet! Keep checking back...

Publié le 23:42 12 juin 2007 EDT


you can start by registering on our EtsyBEAD google group, then I am sure as soon as one of our start-up group member reads this thread you'll be added onto our members' list...

here's the link to our google group...

Looking forward to knowing ya! :)

And...Great Idea Jenn!! :)

Publié le 23:44 12 juin 2007 EDT

Cool idea, Jenni! Now I have to go figure out Flickr...

Publié le 23:47 12 juin 2007 EDT

Thanks, and sorry for hijacking your thread Pagano...
I'll be good now :)

Publié le 00:02 13 juin 2007 EDT

No problem Munkie! We hope you will join and participate in the Etsy Bead Theme of the Week!

Publié le 00:05 13 juin 2007 EDT