Admin you need to deal with this

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Original Post

I am appalled and disgusted by the behavior that is being seen in the forums just of late. I am embarrassed by the whole thing. Can you imagine what buyers must think? Considering buyers can read these threads. Talk about unprofessional and very UN-business like! Look at this from a buyers point of view. They come to the site to check it out. Looking at the goods. Discovering the forums button at the top of the page. Click there they are. Right in the middle of a bunch of bitching, childish behavior. Do you seriously think for one minute that they will bother to sign up? “Hell NO” I can honestly say if I had of seen the goings on in the forums before I opened a store you can bet I surely wouldn’t have. But I do have a store and I care about prospective buyers seeing all this. I think it is about time etsy admin stepped in and put a halt to all this BS. You now have newbies not wanting to post in the forums for fear of repercussions from other sellers. Come on admin you need to clean up this site for the benefit of all sellers and buyers that actually use the forums for what they are designed to be. Helpful and informative.

Posted at 5:59pm Feb 7, 2007 EST


I sent an email to administration. I want to let everybody know that I checked on the issue I was complaining about and it looks like it has been removed/addressed. I want this to be a professional business site and I too get frustrated with many things I see. I think it is important to continue letting administration know what is going on by sending links, etc. Thank you to administration for doing what they can and I hope to see it will continue.

Posted at 6:05pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

poetry3 says

While I do see plenty of childish behavior on the forums, I don't think the forums are the FIRST place a buyer will head. I have no doubt some will find it eventually, but the best thing to do would be to check your own behavior and not worry too much about what others are doing.

Posted at 6:19pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

This is something you probably should handle privately with admin. I can see this thread getting very ugly and being locked. This is the opposite of what you want to see in the forums. Right?

Posted at 6:21pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

mLee says

I agree that some of the behavior on the forums as of late is embarrassing but I don't think most buyers (or sellers) come to the forums. I was on Etsy for months before I discovered the forums. The admins have said that only a very small percentage of the Etsy population frequents the forums.

Posted at 6:24pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

I do my part by choosing not to feed the flames.

Posted at 6:29pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

eclecticexpressions avatar
eclecticexpressions says

It is human nature that people are going to bitch, crab and be dissatisfied about something in life....these forums are just another outlet. To think that it can be stopped completely....not going to happen. Perhaps there should be a forum for just Etsy members that the buyers can't see. We could call it um.....Messy Etsy or how about "Post your gripe here"....just a thought

Posted at 6:30pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

jared says

The forums are a place for Etsy members to express their feelings, thoughts, dreams, hopes, and fears. As those before me in the thread have expressed, there is both bad and good in the forums.

We do not censor the writings of others in the forums.

Instead we have very clear and fair guidelines:
We moderate the forums based on these principles.

Seek goodness and compassion in the forums and these things will be shown to you.

Posted at 6:33pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

liskidder says

jared says: "We do not censor the writings of others in the forums."

Is it opposite day?

Posted at 6:52pm Feb 7, 2007 EST

KarmaSux says

oh my *snork*

Posted at 6:55pm Feb 7, 2007 EST