Am I the only one a little concerned by all of the recent problems?

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I'm getting a little concerned about the longevity of this site. Several parts are down or not working properly (hearts, counts, photos, treasury). It is not uncommon to try and access this site and be told there is a problem with your cookies or get a server error or just not connect. It seems to me (and this is my perception) that the site is getting a lot of bandaids, but the site is about 3 steps behind where it needs to be and it is constantly trying to play catchup. Which I'm starting to doubt will ever happen.

Does anyone else ever feel this way? Or am I just crazy?

Posted at 11:34am Feb 25, 2007 EST


I am extremely frustrated this morning. I am trying to list an item and keep getting the error page. Won't buyers just give up rather than keep trying like I do? I have a lot to get done today and it is very irritating.

Posted at 11:38am Feb 25, 2007 EST

I am frustrated but hopeful. I love this site so I am hoping that admin has a plan and are one step ahead of us. I just think the site is getting so big so fast and it is probably hard to keep up. I have my fingers crossed it will all be okay soon.

Posted at 11:40am Feb 25, 2007 EST

AVision avatar
AVision says

I've been getting the big blue "Oops, we can't open the web page you requested ...
- Error Unknown - Unknown error with URL "
all morning long.

If I were new to Etsy, I would think that I had the url wrong, or that it didn't exist any longer and move on.

Posted at 11:42am Feb 25, 2007 EST

I am not going to load until I know that Etsy is working regularly. Even when I look at my own store, I noticed that one featured photo won't load. It's extremely frustrated on a weekend day because I work a full-time job and looked forward to spending some weekend time on Etsy and uploading at a regular time rather than 11 pm when nobody is around to see my merchandise.

Posted at 11:42am Feb 25, 2007 EST

lil922 says

I'm not having any problems today ....

just lucky, I guess.


Posted at 11:45am Feb 25, 2007 EST

Rosella says

I was very concerned yesterday when I repeatedly got the error: no such seller. Then when I could not get the log on screen to appear during SNS, I was wondering how many potential sales we were all missing out on. I tried off and on for over an hour to just log in to my shop!

no troubles today - so far...

another Lynne

Posted at 11:48am Feb 25, 2007 EST

I had problems yesterday when I was trying to pay for things I'd bought. If I didn't know Etsy well enough it would have worried me and I probably wouldn't have bought the things. It took ages to try and pay. I'm often having problems listing things too. It doesn't tell me it's listed at the end then it suddenly appears in my shop afterall!

Posted at 11:55am Feb 25, 2007 EST

Mitcea says

It concerns me a great deal.

Customers can't login
Customers can't pay
Customers can't connect

All this means my shop is not doing business because I cann't serve the customer properly.

Posted at 11:58am Feb 25, 2007 EST

It does seem to be one thing after the other at the mo. I've just posted a problem with the geolocator.

Posted at 12:00pm Feb 25, 2007 EST