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or have permission from a legal guardian.

etsy allows minors here, as long as they have permission from an adult to be here. this means that children are not prohibited. which also means that (cover your ears, i'm going to shout):


i'm starting to get really cranky when posters in the forums are misunderstanding this point and using the '18+' argument as a defense to avoid responsibility for their products.

oh, and another thing: when i am shopping for art, photos, jewelry, clothing, or whatever (here's another shout):


call it art if you want - but it's nothing i wanna look at when i'm shopping at etsy.

i didn't complain about the content of anyone's store, but i am personally glad that admin is asking people to cover up their naughty bits.

i am seeing a great deal of closemindedness coming from artists who refuse to understand that other people may have different values. that is not an attitude conducive to dialogue or understanding.

digitally adding a black bar is not censorship - it is a common ground whereby sellers can still sell their r-rated pix, but without being inappropriate to the general standards of the community. if etsy admin caved in to an extreme, nude pic sellers couldn't operate here, but they can.

one more thing: i cannot be called a prude any more than these artists can be called exhibitionists, porn sellers, or smut dealers - so please don't label me.

Posted at 7:36pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT


Some of the other venues I have sold on had a mature content blocking feature. If one did not wish to see nakeditity, they could simply click on the block button and none of those listings would appear.

Posted at 7:51pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

thanks littlelovables. i'm feeling a little badgered from another thread, i'm sure it's obvious.

Posted at 7:52pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

reflections, great idea!

Posted at 7:53pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

nakedity. I love that word!

Posted at 7:54pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

kateblack avatar
kateblack says

I'm fine with being called a porn dealer, smut peddler, whatever. I guess that means I can call anyone else whatever I want. :D

18+ or with a parent's permission = parents need to accept responsibility for what their kids are doing.

Posted at 7:55pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

Moviestar says

One of the admin made a good point, that anyone doing a google search or what have you (of any age) could see the "naughty bits." Yes, its art, yes, they could see it elsewhere, but why not cover up the first image??

Posted at 7:57pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

My babies never considered my titties obscene. Just sayin'.

Posted at 7:57pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT

tcbeads says

Amen, Kate.

Posted at 7:57pm Mar 16, 2007 EDT