Do you know how to contact your Etsy pals if one of you is muted?

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kateblack avatar
kateblack says

I encourage everyone who doesn't already have one to get a gmail account and have etsy conversations forwarded there so that you can easily store and search all contacts with buyers and sellers.

What if your shop is deleted?

Putting your email info into your shop header won't do much good if your shop is suspended or deleted. I strongly suggest including your actual email address in convos to your Etsy friends, people you trade with and people you expect to do business with in the future. That way you're not left completely high and dry if your account is deleted, or the convos server is fritzing out.

Posted at 12:07pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT


Wise advice!

Posted at 12:08pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

dottyral says

Kate, why do you suggest gmail? My etsy convos are sent to my email - verizon. Is gmail better for some reason?

Posted at 12:12pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

mfnelson says

I've the e-mail addys of most of my friends here. Does anyone know if muting mutes convos as well?

Posted at 12:12pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

lpdesigns says

Gmail hates me.

Posted at 12:15pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

Gmail is amazzzzing.

Posted at 12:15pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

Allan Curry avatar
Lollibomb says

I was planing on using smoke signals, but hey, e-mail works, too.

Posted at 12:16pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

27things says

muting does not prevent you from sending convos.

Posted at 12:16pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

kateblack avatar
kateblack says

dotty, gmail allows you to add tags and archive things and everything under a title will stay together as a thread. It's just a superior way of filing. It also will be around even if your computer gets stolen or broken or your hard drive is erased.

mfnelson, muting on the forums does not mute your convos, but yesterday someone was muted for what seemed like a relatively innocuous statement (not constructive, but also not abusive) and THEN had their account threatened with suspension for whistleblowing.

IF her account had been suspended, none of us on the forums would know, except for close friends and/or people able to contact her. This might be done to any of us. Suggesting that we include alternate methods of contact is just a way of not sinking all eggs into one basket.

Posted at 12:16pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT

kateblack avatar
kateblack says

Etsy seller accounts have been deleted due to admin error. It's not just yesterday's events, but I did hear of some others. That seller's erroneously deleted account was reinstated but... what if it happened to you?

Posted at 12:18pm Apr 11, 2007 EDT