Where is: my bag of important tools Where is it?

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I even lifted the enormous (6 foot x 8 foot) window with mother-lifting-a-car-off-a-child strength to see if it had fallen into the sill.

I ALWAYS put things back. I NEVER misplace things! What am I gonna do now that I can no longer use always and never?

Where?? Please!! I NEED them.


Posted at 5:46pm May 1, 2007 EDT


Are they next to your phone?

Posted at 5:48pm May 1, 2007 EDT

I'll check...nope :(

Posted at 5:48pm May 1, 2007 EDT

Good suggestion tho. I remember helping a boyfriend years ago, he couldn't find his remote. We finally found it in his coat pocket. He must have been turning off the TV as he was leaving the apartment.

I have been looking all day. I re-looked in places I already throroughly searched, so I am obviously losing it.

They might not even be in a bag! They could be in a box. I am keeping an open mind.

Posted at 5:52pm May 1, 2007 EDT

RestlessyRandom avatar
RestlessyRandom says

i don't know, where's my id badge for work?

haven't seen that thing in months...

hope you find it (and you can still use always and never if u whisper at the end "except for that one time")

Posted at 5:53pm May 1, 2007 EDT

under the mail?

Posted at 5:53pm May 1, 2007 EDT

I lost a card that let me into the garage once, I found it eventually between the car seat and the door, really wedged in and invisible. Could your ID be in the car?

Scenic, I'll check....

Posted at 5:57pm May 1, 2007 EDT

Nope. And I am a stacker. Goodness, I just checked the couch cushions!

these are the objects, try to picture them and tell me where they are:
1) brown, child-sized rolling pin
2) super thin slicing blade
3) utility knife blade, dull (on purpose)and black with age
4) circle cookie cutter

(Now you know the low-tech things I use to make polymer clay items)

Posted at 6:03pm May 1, 2007 EDT

Will no-one lend their psychic powers?

Posted at 6:08pm May 1, 2007 EDT

mdkjewelrydesigns avatar
mdkjewelrydesigns says

do you have toddlers?, just asking because i was cleaning their room today and I found, a bag of coin pearls, rosary pliers, beadboard, my china creamer and sugar bowls, and 2 crystal champagne glasses.

Posted at 6:13pm May 1, 2007 EDT