Plan your JUNE GOALS HERE!!!

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dmriceart says

Another goal thread inspired me... Let's write our June Goals down ... and see what happens by the end of the month!!!


1. Create and Add to my shop : 3 items a week average
( or 12 for the month)
2. Work on larger works, and learn more about creating fine artworks for gallery type works.
3. Work on more small art mixed media pieces... with recylced items! Have three to offer by July!
4. Plan a few Autumn Items, sketch them out, and work toward September sales!!!( Yep, I am thinking Orange Pumpkings, and all that, since Etsy has such a cool Autumn Orange Logo!

So, How about YOU??? :) ???

Posted at 4:42pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT


make more collages, and more handbags... and start making necklaces too! Lol...

Posted at 4:43pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT

Well I will only be here till the 4th, but I plan to sell everything in my shop by then!
a little ambitious?

Posted at 4:44pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT

Well I will only be here till the 4th, but I plan to sell everything in my shop by then!
a little ambitious?

Posted at 4:44pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT

freelancer says

My June goal is to get to 30 sales. It's hard to make new things because of studying, but I have a whole bunch of things expiring so I'll be relisting practically once a day. Hopefully that'll get some exposure.

Posted at 4:46pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT

Vicki avatar
vmdesigns says

great idea dmriceart!

my goals for june are:

1. reach 50 sales

2. start thinking/planning/designing fall items

3. on that same note...start designing christmas items

4. keep up all my promoting.

Posted at 4:53pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT

Hope it's ok that I don't have all that many goals..

1. Create more

2. Have more sales

It would also be nice to get more people to fav me :)

Posted at 5:00pm Jun 2, 2007 EDT

dmriceart says

Keep going ! This is going to keep me working on creations... Anyone else?

Goals... June ... ? !!!

Create your list of goals for your Etsy Shop!

Posted at 8:32am Jun 3, 2007 EDT

Babydolls says

Open my shop and sell 2 custom babdyolls!

Posted at 8:37am Jun 3, 2007 EDT

NormasBathandBody avatar
NormasBathandBody says

I don't usually set any goals from month to month. but it's great for others if you're into that. I just do the best that I can each day, and each month.

Posted at 8:38am Jun 3, 2007 EDT