Etsy Artists Project for an Available EtsyLab Wall

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jewelera says

I've never been in Etsy Labs, so I'm not sure if there is an available open space on the walls for a big project that we (Etsy artists) can all make real collaboratively.

I've got this idea when I've seen a photography artist, who attached hundreds of random shots to her wall and covered it with plexyglass. I loved the look, and found it very inspiring.

I've thought that we can all do 1 (or more) ACEO size paintings or photographs all in one theme to send them to the Etsy Labs. Then our great staff there could chose the ones they like and attach them to the available wall in a grid (edges next to eahother, no space between) and cover the whole surface with plexiglass for protection.

The theme I came up with it 'Tools we use for our craft'. They may be abstract, collage, painting,artistic photo etc. But they shouldn't be too thick for obvious reasons.

I hope this whole thing makes sense, because my English is not too perfect. ;) Other ideas welcome too, please let me know what you think.

Of course, first of all we need to hear what admins think and if they allow us to do this project. (The available wall space etc.)

You can totally let me know if it sounds stupid to you. I don't mind that at all! ;D

Posted at 9:49pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT


tinymeat says

That rocks!

Posted at 9:51pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

jewelera says

Thank you tinymeat, I'm glad you like the idea! :)

Posted at 9:53pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

magprint says

Awesome idea. Admins???

Posted at 9:56pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

dottyral says

Love it!

You know what it reminds me of? That big old composite of all of our avatars that admin shared with us on the blog.

Posted at 9:58pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

jewelera says

Yeah, that kinda thing! :)

Posted at 9:58pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

mirandahellman avatar
mirandahellman says

Sounds great

Posted at 9:59pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

zakiyaa says

oh that sounds great, i would love to be a part of such a project!

Posted at 10:00pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

Wow, that sounds like a great idea, and a ton of fun!

Posted at 10:04pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT

How fun!!!!!

Posted at 10:09pm Jun 5, 2007 EDT