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Delias Thompson avatar
deliasthompson says

Hello, I see a lot of new folks and some old ones on Etsy lately who have a lot of the same questions I had when I first got started. I thought this thread might be a great way to help one another out and get to know one another. Do you have questions about why you are not selling as much as you'd like? Do you want some constructive criticisim?

Post your shop here and I will look at your shop and give you some feedback from a "buying" perspective. Then you critique the next shop and so on and so forth. Put on your "buying hat" and tell them what you would want to see if you were looking at one of their items or looking at their shop.


Posted at 9:08pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT


honeyandbliss avatar
honeyandbliss says

I'd like to get a bit of critique. Especially in regards to my pricing...

Posted at 9:10pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

Maria Harvey avatar
Handmadebymaria says

I can use all the help I can get I sell at ebay but not here yet maria

Posted at 9:10pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

I wouldn't mind a fresh pair of eyes.

Posted at 9:13pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

cipolla says

I've been selling here on etsy for about two months now. I'm happy with my success so far, but I always welcome constructive criticism! I am constantly working on my shop, descriptions, pics, etc.

I'd also be happy to take a look at other shops and offer my critique as an etsy buyer.

♥ m.

Posted at 9:15pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

Delias Thompson avatar
deliasthompson says

honeyandbliss: I think your shop is lovely and your items are lovely but these are the things as a buyer I would find missing:

A. Do your cards come with envelopes.... It doesn't say and I would want one. I would mention this in each listing.
B. You are not using all of your photo slots. It's really important since people cannot touch and feel your product to use all photo slots available. I would want a close up of the outside image.
C. Your prices look low - you can keep them as is our raise them slightly.
D. I cans see that you are not listing everyday. It's all about exposure! List every day and if you can a few times a day. If you have nothing new to list renew an old listing to make it go back to the top of the search page. Items get buried very quickly here!

Okay, now you help handmadebymaria.


Posted at 9:15pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

sosuzi says

i don't get how this goes... should I look at wireyourworld and offer critique? and do we do it here in the forum or in a convo? and then someone else ctitiques me?

Posted at 9:20pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

Maria Harvey avatar
Handmadebymaria says

cipolla look at my shop and tell me what amI doing wrong

Posted at 9:21pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

Delias Thompson avatar
deliasthompson says

yes, each person looks at the shop before them and then the next person looks at your shop.

Posted at 9:22pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT

cipolla says

Hi Maria, your shop is lovely so far.
Here are my observations:

• a more welcoming shop announcement (nothing too long, but a bit of personality)
• more information in your shop profile, especially regarding shop policies
• better item descriptions, more detail

I guess my suggestions are all around the same thing... more writing! lol.

As a sidenote, I think your prices are very low for the amount of work I assume you must put into your items! Of course, that's just my own personal thing... I think it's important for us to value our work. (Then again, I have no idea what the market is like for doll's clothes).

Good luck, your dresses are lovely!
♥ m.

Posted at 9:23pm Jul 27, 2007 EDT