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Please don't lock it.

Posted at 11:53am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

wicopy avatar
wicopy says

Well, what did you expect from the forums Etc. - a full moon is approaching AND it's a weekend, the optimal time for extreme polarizations to emerge. A democracy in reaction? Good stuff if ya wanta write a book!

Posted at 11:54am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

JDStar says

It seems like a pretty level conversation. Why does it need to be locked?

Posted at 11:55am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

jujuw says

i agree primavera....these threads that have no resolution except to inflame serve no purpose except to dissuade people from spending time on more constructive things...

Posted at 11:55am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

better if people stop flinging words like "slut" "horrible" "holier-than-thou" "stupid" and "ignorant".

Posted at 11:55am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

JDStar says

It also allows people to see multiple sides of a problem Jujuw. If people are never allowed to finish a conversation, it never will have a resolution.

Posted at 11:57am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

jujuw says

absolutely primavera...i don't care WHAT 'side' your're on...words are VERY wounding...and this is supposed to be a community here...well, great communities do not wound each other....

Posted at 11:57am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

I totally disagree jujuw. For the majority, it was a good discussion, and I, for one, am learning a lot.

Those who get hostile ruin it for the rest of us, but when it gets back on track, locking it just defeats all the work the level headed did to get it back on track.

If a lock was gonna be called for, it should have been in the heat of the moment when the namecalling was happening.

Posted at 11:58am Jul 28, 2007 EDT

And for the record, no one called anyone a slut... but yes, the term was used by that poster. And an argument was referred to as stupid and ignorant, not a person.

Posted at 11:59am Jul 28, 2007 EDT