Tasered and arrested for ASKING A QUESTION

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Well three questions actually, at a forum at University of Florida campus with John Kerry.
Here is the video where you will see a student asking John Kerry, who opened his forum to a question and answer session, a series of questions which Kerry says he will answer, but cops jump on him, arrest him, and taser him BECAUSE of the QUESTIONS he asked...


This sent chills up my arms so hard. What happened to freedom of speech?
This is perhaps the fifth case I've read about this month.
Police state, anyone?

Anyone else freaked out by this?

Posted at 5:16pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT


i don't want to watch the video because it makes me sick.

Posted at 5:18pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

Melody avatar
AriaImages says

What did he ask? I dont have sound on my end.

Its horrible, why would they do that?

Posted at 5:19pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

I couldn't watch it all the way through, he was screaming for someone to help him. Then eventually Kerry just went on with talking...

Posted at 5:19pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

Sonia Romero avatar
sheridesthelion says

that is so F*****D up!

Posted at 5:20pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

when i tell my mom stuff like this, and i go "look what W has done for us", she just smiles and nods like it isn't happening. she voted for him. twice.

Posted at 5:20pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

He asked: Didn’t you (Kerry) want to be president?”, “How come you (Kerry) are not saying lets impeach Bush now, lets impeach Bush now, before we can invade Iran?” and “are you (Kerry) a member of the Skull and Bones?” Those were the last words that he was allowed to speak into the microphone before the cops jumped him.

Posted at 5:20pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

juicyglassjewels avatar
juicyglassjewels says

It's so sad that anything even slightly controversial can't be discussed without "security" putting a stop to it.

It seems that Kerry was about to address the question...I don't see what the problem was...

Posted at 5:21pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT

I can't watch the video because I'm on dialup and my computer may spontaneously combust, but what did the guy ask? No matter what he asked, he obviously didn't deserve that treatment, but just out of curiosity...

Posted at 5:21pm Sep 18, 2007 EDT