Why is Bill O'Reilly allowed to walk around like he's normal?

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Pandora01 says

I mean, seriously. We all know he's not normal. He's a freak. He belongs in a sideshow, not on the airwaves.

"I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship. It was the same," O'Reilly said on September 19 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program.


Posted at 12:31pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT


*notes that the mainstream of opinion for nonwhite folks is too scary to be on the air,but crazy guys who don't even think about facts? super ok*

Posted at 12:32pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

wow. weirdness strikes again.

Posted at 12:33pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

Pandora01 says

Yeah, cassowary, what's up with that? It's like a prerequisite that you MUST be a loudmouthed ignorant bigot to get a radio show.

Posted at 12:33pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

casablynn says

Lmfao over the thread title....

I try to ignore everything I see with Bill O'Reilly's name with the exception of this thread and clips on The Daily Show.

Posted at 12:34pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

say that "going to war is bad" and "police brutality is wrong", that's divisive. Show your behind every single day..that's fine.

Posted at 12:35pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

I fucking hate that guy.

Posted at 12:36pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

Pandora01 says

I had to tone down what I REALLY wanted to use as a title, casablynn. Gotta remember there are some minors around the forums... :-)

But...damn! Ya know?

Posted at 12:37pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

mkwind says

i second that devilandmouse! everything about him makes me crazy. people actually listen to him, unreal...

Posted at 12:38pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT

I don't like him because he gives idiots the idea that it's OK to say crap like that in public.

Posted at 12:39pm Sep 25, 2007 EDT