90 Features In 90 Day Challenge!

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Original Post

Giftbearer says

Today I was trying to think of some ideas to jump-start sales on Etsy and came up with this. Here is the challenge; If you have a blog or website feature me with one or more of my item pictures and 1-2 paragraphs about my work, and store link(s) and I will return the favor in my blog; artlifenewsblog.blogspot.com/

I am going to start collecting store links now and would like to start my features as soon as the number reaches 90. If I get more than 90 that's great, I'll keep going, but would like to have at least 90 people participating. This will be a first-come-first-served thing, so I'll do them in the order they're posted on the thread. I'd like to gather as much collaborative exposure as possible for the Christmas-shopping season and get our work in front of a large number of potential buyers.

Once the list reaches 90 people I will feature one new seller a day and will convo you to let you know when to look for you on my blog. Please also let me know what day/date you are featuring me on yours, so that I can keep track of where my work is being promoted and track its effectiveness. I may be able to pull pictures off the web, but if not, I'll convo you to ask for one off your computer.


Posted at 11:26pm Sep 28, 2007 EDT


Giftbearer says

Nobody wants to be featured? I can't believe that.

Posted at 11:31pm Sep 28, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

Bumping again. Anybody interested?

Posted at 11:35pm Sep 28, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

Make sure you give me your blog or website link where you do your features so I can take that down along with your Etsy shop link.

Posted at 11:54pm Sep 28, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

Hmm. Nobody posting?

Posted at 12:38am Sep 29, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

Is anybody awake?

Posted at 2:29am Sep 29, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

I hear crickets chirping.

Posted at 2:31am Sep 29, 2007 EDT

yawns :))

Posted at 2:32am Sep 29, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

This is surreal.

Posted at 2:32am Sep 29, 2007 EDT

Giftbearer says

Me too. I thought I'd have at least 30 by now. These kinds of threads are usually packed.

Posted at 2:32am Sep 29, 2007 EDT