Gift Guide has me miffed

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Original Post

kjbeads says

Gift guide is cool. great idea. not so great execution. I have paid fro a main showcase spot for twice the $$ and now will have to compete with the entire gift guide and the gift guide showcase ( less $$). I would have chosen that showcase had it been an option rather than what I did.

I would rather see the items chosen randomly than by admin. Admin have similar tastes and are mostly from the same demographic. I don;t know that all sellers are getting a fair shake here. What about sellers that don;t get treasuries or have flash player capability. Not to mention, there are tons of sellers that never get a treasury feature. Why pull items from other promotional venues (treasries, showcases, time machine)? give other items a chance. There is so very much here to be seen.

Just a few thoughts.

Posted at 5:41pm Nov 20, 2007 EST


MermaidAndFriends avatar
MermaidAndFriends says

Admin have similar tastes and are mostly from the same demographic.

I do totally agree with that. I find that with the front page treasuries too.

I am not insulting the items on there, I'm sure they are great. BUT they appeal mostly to one group of people. If I was looking for gifts for people I buy for, no one I know would have any of that.

I would like to see broader representation in what is chosen.

Posted at 5:49pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

pandys says

I think gift guide is a great idea, but I can definitely see how there are almost too mny choices now...and I totally can see how you would be a little miffed after paying for one showcase,then realizing there was a better, less expensive one......

Posted at 5:49pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

kjbeads says:

I would rather see the items chosen randomly than by admin. Admin have similar tastes and are mostly from the same demographic.


also, in looking through the gift guides I notice that several sellers are listed/featured multiple times in each category.

Posted at 5:52pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

that is a bummer about the showcase deal. but why is everyone all of a sudden hating on those in the guide? Not everyone can be picked for everything at one time!

Posted at 5:52pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

I posted in another thread about the Gift Guides, but it's worth repeating:

Just speaking for myself, when I've chosen items to add to the guides, I specifically sought out items and shops that were not *my* taste -- but really thought about the theme of the guide, and associated it with a specific person in my life. I also (even on the rare occasion I create Treasuries or the front page), I specifically look for items with few views or older listings that may need some new love.

Posted at 5:52pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

*excuse me. not everyone. don't mean to generalize!

Posted at 5:52pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

juln says

Supposedly the gift guide items were picked by the forum threads, that ended up with the gift guides in the Stroq...
as was pointed out to me in the lengthy thread about this in Site Help,

daniellexo says:
yep smiffs! most of the guides were picked by those who participated in those threads :)

Posted at 5:54pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

HeyChickie avatar
HeyChickie says

I like the random idea as well.

Posted at 5:54pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

so is there an easy way of finding out if you're in a gift guide or do we have to search through all of them?

Posted at 5:56pm Nov 20, 2007 EST