So, you get free advertising if you are in the gift guide, and the public

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now thinks, these are the best of the best. And these are folks that already got picked for treasuries or featured stories. So, that's more publicity.

Sorry, didn't mean to whine, I've been out of high school for a long time.

I'm just so confused how a regualar seller like me will ever get noticed.

PS. I work my butt off and pay for my own outside ads. And now a lucky few get it for free. Some even have more than one spot.

Posted at 5:46pm Nov 20, 2007 EST


Julie avatar
SpecialtySoapShop says

I agree. Would be nice if I were featured (or you!)

Posted at 5:47pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

who picks these?

Posted at 5:48pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

yep sitting here with the same feelings.. heck I even have Decorated christmas trees in my shop.. and theres only 5 pages for christmas... and not one of my trees are there...

Posted at 5:48pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

sorry just venting is all...

Posted at 5:49pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

seabones says

I'd like to know who picks the gift guides too.

Posted at 5:49pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

Hey, I'm ticked off too.... Flipped through all the female categories (sexist, I know) and saw only a little yarn. I've already sold two yarn orders that are going to be Christmas presents.

Posted at 5:50pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

quirkybags says

Admin picks the guides, at least as I understand it.

Posted at 5:50pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

really guys? i am a regular seller too. It is not just the up and up that are being featured. I have seen lots of people's stuff that I have never seen before or seen the shop. I am sure with time when things sell they will be replaced with new people.

Posted at 5:50pm Nov 20, 2007 EST

I'm not sure who picks them, but for the past few weeks I've seen forum threads that said, for example, Round 9: Your Pics for a Grandmother, etc.

Posted at 5:50pm Nov 20, 2007 EST