How do I cleanse my car of bad energy?

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Original Post

Joe Swinehart avatar
RowleyBaby says

I just recently found out that my car has some bad energy and it sort of freaks me out. I'm not usually into crystals and insense and whatnot, but I'm willing to try it. It's going to get a good old fashioned detail at a dealership, but I also want the energy out of it as well as the dirt.

any ideas?

Posted at 8:31pm Feb 9, 2008 EST


feng shui?

Posted at 8:35pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

Joe Swinehart avatar
RowleyBaby says

anyone have any incense or sage or something spiritual that I can do?

Posted at 8:40pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

give me a minute to drag out the books....

Posted at 8:42pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

Joe Swinehart avatar
RowleyBaby says


Posted at 8:44pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

JerZ avatar
JerZ says

What kind of bad energy...I can text a couple of friends and ask...

Posted at 8:44pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

ermiller1 avatar
ermiller1 says

and how did you find out that your car had "bad energy"?

Posted at 8:45pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

theBlackDog avatar
theBlackDog says

burn a sage smudge. it'll make it smell kinda nice too.

Posted at 8:45pm Feb 9, 2008 EST

faerwear says

sage smudge.

Posted at 8:46pm Feb 9, 2008 EST