Everyone had the SAME idea!! 8 super similiar listings!

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Original Post

liasaun1 says

So out of curiosity I searched for "Eiffel Tower Necklace" to see if anyone else was using the charm I used in my recent necklace.
Here is my listing:
Simple eiffel tower charm with a bright red heart, theme of "I love paris."
To my surprise, there were at least 10 other listings who had the SAME idea. I honestly don't think anyone copied anyone (I sure didn't!) But this is too funny:
1. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=8942743
2. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9530523
3. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=8331165
4. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9476350
5. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7515253
6. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=8877636
7. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=8192647

How weird is that? :P I guess great minds think alike!

Posted at 1:33am Mar 6, 2008 EST


Stemellina says

OMG this is soooooooooo funny!!
Another for Paris?????????????

Posted at 1:35am Mar 6, 2008 EST

Those are some coincidental items, alright! Everyone must be buying their supplies from the same place! ..almost...

Posted at 1:38am Mar 6, 2008 EST

Maybe this came about because of Ratatouille? haha! They are all cute! I think I'll go make a pendant that says Eiffel Tower. Kidding!

Posted at 1:38am Mar 6, 2008 EST

wow, i have the same charm, i think i'll just make myself something with it...and without a heart...oh my :) well done, they are ALL very nice. hehe.

Posted at 1:38am Mar 6, 2008 EST

PolYesterday avatar
PolYesterday says

guess everyone loves Paris huh? :)

Posted at 1:38am Mar 6, 2008 EST

DonaNovinha, I have to tell you that your avatar kitten is absolutely adorable!

Posted at 1:39am Mar 6, 2008 EST

liasaun1 says

Dona, which charm?

I think mine was the only plastic charm -the rest were all metal!

Posted at 1:41am Mar 6, 2008 EST

wow! how random...YOu should post this whenever someone posts another "copying" thread...hehe :)

Posted at 1:43am Mar 6, 2008 EST

thanks about the kitty, I found him on google images...and I have the charm in sterling silver.

Posted at 1:47am Mar 6, 2008 EST