online shop selling my items without permission!

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Original Post

cipolla says

Hi all!

I have just found out that an online shop is pretending to sell my items. They have my bags listed - pics and descriptions taken exactly from my Etsy shop - and I have never spoken to them in my life! They are also doing this to two fellow Etsy sellers. I'm horrified that someone will get ripped off, and in our names!

Have you encountered anything like this before?
The site is

We've emailed them directly, contacted abuse@etsy, and I am about to email the site that hosts them - it's called Shopify, and seems to be a new "indie marketplace" - has anyone heard of it?


Posted at 10:22am Mar 12, 2008 EDT


Never heard of them, but thought I should give this a bump. Hope you can get it all cleared up. I heard of another site doing the same thing back in January.

Posted at 10:23am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

oh my! how unreal.

Posted at 10:24am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

That is horriffic!

Posted at 10:24am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

Below14th avatar
Below14th says

wow, unbelievable.

Posted at 10:25am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

rtbfFirstName5065926 rtbfLastName5065926 avatar
rtbfLoginName5065926 says

Wow, that is very scary!


Posted at 10:26am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

i went to their site and there is no way to contact them except via the net. i've never heard of them but they have a buch of stuff listed. awful.

Posted at 10:26am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

CorkandCotton avatar
CorkandCotton says

They are! Same pictures, same bags, just a higher price! I wonder how many they have ready to ship!

Posted at 10:26am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

so what will someone get if they buy from that site? That's unbelievable!

Posted at 10:26am Mar 12, 2008 EDT

When u think uve seen it all...something else happens

Posted at 10:27am Mar 12, 2008 EDT