My other shop has been frozen!

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there was a mix up with a buyer who sent money to a non existent paypal address of mines hence i never sent the item out and they wouldn't answer convo's !

so they must have filled a report to etsy i kept getting a warning saying if it has been resolved then to contact etsy! plus i have not checked into that email account for ages!

but now my shop has been frozen! im just wondering how long it will take until all my items show up again!

how annoying especially since it all got resolves so long ago!

i know i should have contacted etsy before but because we had given feedback after i thought it would be o.k if i put it off for a while!


here is my other shop

it looks really bad when empty

Posted at 10:59am Apr 15, 2008 EDT


Oh no, how awful!!!

Posted at 10:59am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

Wow - it is totally empty! I didn't realize that's what happened to frozen shops. What a stressful situation.

Posted at 11:00am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

i know im just worried that customers will think my shop has closed down now and wont come back! or think im not selling any more so i want to to be up and running as soon as possible again!

Posted at 11:01am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

does anyone know how long it takes for it to get back up and running or if it WILL?

im worried that they will just stop my shop now or something

Posted at 11:03am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

rtbfFirstName1633 rtbfLastName1633 avatar
rtbfLoginName1633 says

Always contact etsy ASAP. They are very quick to close shops, it appears. Double check that the contact info on that shop is set up correctly-- etsy may have been trying to contact you for a while.

Posted at 11:03am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

at least they aren't brick walling people anymoe

Posted at 11:05am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

"i kept getting a warning saying if it has been resolved then to contact etsy!"

Posted at 11:06am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

what does that mean cassowary?

Posted at 11:07am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

i know i should have contacted them1 it's just a pain because i have so many different email accounts and i put of signing into the one for my other shop as i have about 7 emails for different things now! but i just hope my whop will be back to normal i have sent them an email explaining but wouldn't it be so much better if we could use the one email for multiple shop :(

Posted at 11:08am Apr 15, 2008 EDT