I am directing a new Farmer's Market in Michigan...and...

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FireChickTick avatar
FireChickTick says

...I would like to send out a private convo to many of the Michigan artisans that I've found in Shop Local.

How many convos can I send before I get MUTED?

Does anyone know?


Posted at 8:16am May 7, 2008 EDT


I've heard of people getting muted after sending 6. But I also think it depends on how spaced apart they are and if they are worded exactly the same.

Posted at 8:17am May 7, 2008 EDT

Ha Nguyen avatar
potteryintheround says

No one knows. It's not very many though.

Instead of you sending out convo's, I would post a thread asking any Michigan people to convo you.

Posted at 8:17am May 7, 2008 EDT

Don't quote me, but I think around 10-12.

You could put something in the Promotions and Etc sections too.

Good luck. GO BUCKEYES!

Posted at 8:18am May 7, 2008 EDT

hellome says

That's what I would do. Or see if there is a street team and contact them. Or both.

PS - Don't forget Craigslist!

Posted at 8:18am May 7, 2008 EDT

If they tell you, they'll have to kill you.

Posted at 8:18am May 7, 2008 EDT

kjbeads says


Posted at 8:19am May 7, 2008 EDT

Oh, wonderful! Where? I can tell my fam & friends to go and I'll come and visit when I come home!

Posted at 8:19am May 7, 2008 EDT

Could you convo etsy admin, and ask them to send the mail?

Posted at 8:20am May 7, 2008 EDT

Quiltlover Retired and lovin it avatar
QuiltLover says

Oh I would love to get a table!!

Posted at 8:22am May 7, 2008 EDT