Blogs and Marketing - let's feature one another

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littlecrabdesigns avatar
littlecrabdesigns says

I have an idea :)

Let's all post our blogs in this thread and shop url..

*Everyone that posts here chooses to feature one of the shops in this thread on their blog.

**A shop can be featured by any blog, any number of times.

***Once you create an article featuring the seller's shop you chose post back here with the link and share your article!

Who wants to play?

I'll go first:
My shop is
My blog is

I look forward to featuring someone :)

Posted at 5:41pm May 25, 2008 EDT


I'll play - but I've already blogged twice today so I'll do the feature tomorrow!


Posted at 6:54pm May 25, 2008 EDT

I'm going to join in because late at night promoting rocks. I'll pop back and let you know which of you I featured.

Posted at 7:11pm May 25, 2008 EDT

Sharon Khoo avatar
bottledupemotions says

I'll join!

My shop:

I'll post up the link soon! :)

Posted at 8:35pm May 25, 2008 EDT

How do you start a blog. I know this sounds strange but I am trying to get educated. Let me know where to go to learn. Thanks

Posted at 8:40pm May 25, 2008 EDT

Sharon Khoo avatar
bottledupemotions says

Ok, here's the post:

Balsam, refer to this WikiHow article on starting your own blog. It's very simple, easy and free! :) Good luck!

Posted at 8:53pm May 25, 2008 EDT

MiSteph avatar
MiSteph says

i will go and do one on bottled up
be back in a few with the details

Posted at 8:57pm May 25, 2008 EDT

MiSteph avatar
MiSteph says

here is what i did for bottleup
hope you like it

Posted at 9:09pm May 25, 2008 EDT

Thanks you, as you can see I need all the help I can get. But I am a fast learner.

Posted at 10:02pm May 25, 2008 EDT

jenscloset says

oh this is great..I just started a blog and really would like it if I had visitors!!!

Posted at 10:03pm May 25, 2008 EDT