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Original Post

CraftDiner says

What do you do if someone is stalking you on the forums? Posting everywhere you post, contradicting everything you say. Hitting "report this post" only results in the thread getting locked. When you contact admin they send the person a warning but the person still relentlessly follows you trying to start an argument?

Why are people allowed to do this?

Posted at 9:45am Jun 5, 2008 EDT


urbangipsy says


Posted at 9:46am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

TwinMommy says

yikes craftdiner...that's scary stuff :(

Posted at 9:46am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

I was accused of doing just that once, when I was only making a round in the help section.... I think the best way to deal with it just to take a step back, they can't stalk you if you are not posting. Have a better day ;-)

Posted at 9:47am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

Samskiart says

I think admin would probably want to know if that sort of thing is going on, report it.

Posted at 9:47am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

that's pretty nasty

There are some very immature people on these forums. I'd just keep on admin until something is done. the squeaky wheel and all that....

Posted at 9:47am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

Okay, that is just totally weird....

Posted at 9:47am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

it's just me, but i might quiet myself a little and hope that they get bored...

Posted at 9:48am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

CraftDiner says

kankalinhats says:
I was accused of doing just that once, when I was only making a round in the help section.... I think the best way to deal with it just to take a step back, they can't stalk you if you are not posting. Have a better day ;-)


HUH? why should I have to walk away from the forums?

Posted at 9:48am Jun 5, 2008 EDT

AMIdesigns says

can't you report again to admin? not pleasant

Posted at 9:49am Jun 5, 2008 EDT