Anyone for a YART SALE?

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rtbfFirstName5559588 rtbfLastName5559588 avatar
rtbfLoginName5559588 says

A few of us Etsians were just chatting it up recently and thought it might be great to have a Yard Sale in our shops. Someone suggested the term "YART SALE", which we all fell in love with. We thought it would be a fun kick off to summer and offer some great items in our shops at a savings. We wanted to extend the invitation to the whole Etsy community because why not - the more the merrier. If all goes well we were thinking of maybe doing it as an annual event. I just want to be clear this is not an Etsy sanctioned event, just something that a few of us thought would be fun, hopefully profitable and give fellow Etsians some great buys. We have come up with some info which might be helpful. Feel free to use it or not. Be clear no one is telling you to participate or not or even telling you how. It is absolutely your choice. You can hold it in your Art shop, Supply shop or Vintage Shop. The choice is yours.

Wednesday, June 11- Friday, June 20 ~ FIRST ANNUAL KICKOFF TO SUMMER YART SALE. An Artistic Slant to a traditional Yard Sale. 10 day countdown to the first Day of Summer. Participate in one, two or all ten days of the sale. You decide. Choose to participate in your handmade store, your supply store, or your Vintage Shop. Just a few suggestions ~ lower the price of your chosen items and label with "Yart" in the Tags and Titles of those items, and if you choose, place in a special Section in your store entitled "Yart Sale". This way customers can search "Yart" in handmade, supplies, or vintage searches and pick up your items. We will post a thread in the forums on Wednesday, June 11th and just ask if you participate that you help bump the thread along so it remains visible and will help promote our fine bargains in our shops.

Posted at 7:16pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT


Wheee! Great, now I can get those pesky beads together and out of my house and into someones beautiful designs!

Posted at 7:24pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

GiftsEtc says

Oooo, we've moved!!

Posted at 7:25pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

Ooh - that sounds fun!

Posted at 7:26pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

Sounds like a great idea! I'm in!

Posted at 7:27pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

YoursTruli says

Love it! count me in please :) ~truli

Posted at 7:28pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

Fun!!! I like it.

Please come up with some logos for people to use on their blogs. :)

Posted at 7:30pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

Xjaeva avatar
Xjaeva says

What a great idea!!
I'll probably participate!

Posted at 7:30pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

Xjaeva avatar
Xjaeva says

Beki~~~ you have a very charming shop. I'd love to 'yart' you and see what's on sale.

Posted at 7:32pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT

Haha! Thanks!!

I totally thought the title was a typo....

Posted at 7:32pm Jun 6, 2008 EDT