My Frustration with the lack of an Art Doll Catergory.

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bastet2329 avatar
bastet2329 says

"what happened to all the creepy dolls you had listed?"

Was a question i was asked this morning.

As of earlier this week, they were all put back on my website.


The economy sucks butt. Every doll I sell help pays bills and buy supplies for the next piece and if I am not selling, I am not making money.

And my dolls were not selling on Etsy.


I sell them rather quickly at times off my website. Sometimes within minutes of listing, sometimes within a week or so. Thats a pretty decent turnaround. And even with the slow sales as of late, I still sell a couple of pieces a week.

But not on Etsy.

They do not belong. There is no place for them. they get lost amongst the photos and paintings and sculptures and ACEO's if I list them in the art catergory. and they most certainly are NOT toys.

I know, I know. a collectibles catergory was discussed. And we were told it would go live on a Thursday and that week, I brought some of the dolls from my site back to etsy with the plan of revising the catergory when the new one went live. But it never did.

my dolls sat and did not sell. So I removed them yet again for not belonging.

I am begging from an "art doll" seller's point of veiw, please make an art doll catergory. I love Etsy and what it represents but it does not represnt "all things handmade". There is a HUGE world of dolls out there that are being overlooked. I am just a small fish compared to some of the doll artists. What we make is ART but they are not TOYS, they are collectibles by our patrons and they need a place of their own!

christie aka bastet2329

Posted at 11:38am Jun 20, 2008 EDT


Gillian Lee Smith avatar
Gilfling says

I completely agree with this and thank you for bringing it up. I have only just started listing dolls and really had problems with the sections and tags. Are the sculpture? if they are painted should they go under paintings?

An art doll category would just make things so much clearer and easier to find - clear for sellers and easy for buyers.

Posted at 11:48am Jun 20, 2008 EDT

mikrow says

I agree completely. I do miniatures, and we have the same problem.

Posted at 11:52am Jun 20, 2008 EDT

kyeliza says

I'm struggling with this, too. I just don't feel like they get seen because there isn't really a place for them.

Posted at 12:04pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT

tobilinn says

Yes please, an art doll category would be so nice. For both buyers and sellers.

Posted at 12:12pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT

SugarRoxx says

oh..I wish I had read all those earlier threads about
doll categories now. :(

I just finished my first dolly..I am ao excited.

I hope they do make one for everybody.

I don't wanna go anywhere else but etsy.

Posted at 12:17pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT

Makes sense. I have some Art Dolls I would list, but you're right they just don't fit in anywhere as it is so I haven't tried.

Posted at 12:18pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT

bastet2329 avatar
bastet2329 says

I would like to sell mine on etsy too but without the proper catergory, they cannt be expected to sell!~

Not to bring ebay into this but i have no problems selling them there if i want to- they have a cetergory just for "gothic, horror" dolls.

Posted at 12:19pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT

I do not make dolls but I agree that you need your own catagory!

Posted at 12:22pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT

bastet2329 avatar
bastet2329 says

thank you dale~

Posted at 12:23pm Jun 20, 2008 EDT