Swim It Forward

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thewhimsytrove avatar
thewhimsytrove says

Since The Whimsy Trove joined Etsy earlier this year, we have had three other Etsy sellers send us things for free. To me this is a sign of good fortune, and I'd like to do something out of the blue for someone too.

So, inspired by this article www.etsy.com/storque/section/etsyNews/article/swimmy-and-co/1167/
and the entire philosophical concept it represents, I am in the process of finishing a one-of-a-kind Swimmy fish. But instead of sending it to Etsy's offices, I would like to send it to another Etsy seller. Not because I don't want to send Swimmy fish to Etsy-- but WE are Etsy too, and we need something to restore a little hope and unity around here. I'd like to see Swimmy in every Etsian's office and workspace. If I could facilitate a kind of Swimmy pyramid scheme without the pyramid or the scheme, whereby every person on Etsy sends another person on Etsy a Swimmy fish, I would do it.

So this is my idea to make Etsy better: Swim It Forward. I issue a Swimmy challenge. I'll start: first seller in the United States to respond to this post gets an original Arrogant Liberal Elitist Studios Swimmy Fish, no strings attached. But for everyone reading this: how about it? Can I get Etsians to send a Swimmy to another Etsian? Canadians, can you send a Swimmy to a fellow Canadian seller? Mexico? South America? Australia? Asia? I see you too, Europe. (I'm only doing this by country because I don't want anyone to go broke on the postage!)

Can we do this? Swimmy fish for everyone?


Posted at 2:46pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT


AnnieRexic says

ill do it! thats an awesome idea.

Posted at 2:51pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

I couldn't get the article to load...I'll try again later :)

Posted at 2:52pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

thewhimsytrove avatar
thewhimsytrove says

Convoing you, AnnieRexic...

Posted at 2:54pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

thewhimsytrove avatar
thewhimsytrove says

Anyone else? Swimmy fish for all?

Posted at 3:03pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

Swimmy Swimmy.... I'd love to see pictures of what everyone is making too. I'll post them on my blog (with a link to your shop) and all over my work table if you send me them.

Wish we could post pics in the forums!

Posted at 3:14pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

thewhimsytrove avatar
thewhimsytrove says

Excellent-- I'll send you a pic of mine when I'm done, Silver Sunbeam.

Now anyone else up for making a Swimmy and sending it to, let's say... sparklerama? jodieflowers?

Posted at 3:16pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

yes! I have sparklerams address somewhere! I would like to get a few out.

Posted at 3:23pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT

thewhimsytrove avatar
thewhimsytrove says

Yay! I know Etsy is loading very very sloooooooowwwwwwwllllly today, so that's probably why there isn't much action around here. Anyone up for sending Swimmy to jodieflowers?

Posted at 3:30pm Jul 25, 2008 EDT