Kain Steps Down as Etsy's CEO

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Original Post

No one posted this yet.....or did I overlook it?
It was in the NY Times this morning, but here's another link:


Posted at 11:20am Jul 27, 2008 EDT


Organidog avatar
Organidog says

"There are 200,000 sellers making their livings from Etsy,"


Posted at 11:22am Jul 27, 2008 EDT

crinolinestash avatar
crinolinestash says

Organidog says:
"There are 200,000 sellers making their livings from Etsy,"



who are these 200,000 sellers and why am I not one of them?

Posted at 11:23am Jul 27, 2008 EDT

There was an announcement about this a week or two ago, I believe.

Posted at 11:24am Jul 27, 2008 EDT

abitabite says

200,000 sellers making a living on etsy MY ARSE

Those who do (and i'm not seeing 200k of em) make a living selling handmade do more than just etsy.

Posted at 11:26am Jul 27, 2008 EDT

oohhh wonder if this thread will get shut down!!

Posted at 11:26am Jul 27, 2008 EDT

earcmra avatar
earcmra says

Here is the thread where etsy announced that on July 22...


Posted at 11:27am Jul 27, 2008 EDT

Organidog avatar
Organidog says

I guess when Rob was inflating the number sellers making their livings of Etsy, he forgot to mention that the few who do make ball park $30K/ year.

Posted at 11:27am Jul 27, 2008 EDT