Etsy Angels Helping AWBAR - August

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Etsy Angels (EANGTEAM) lending a hand to the Abandoned Wild Babies Animal Rescue (AWBAR)


About AWBAR:
AWBAR is located in Lockport, Illinois and is owned and operated by Amanda Smith. She rehabilitates ducks, raccoons, squirrels, opossums, rabbits, small birds and other small animals.

Relying solely on private donations, AWBAR is NOT a non for profit organization nor is AWBAR attached to any other organization. This is out of the pure love for animals.

AWBAR is currently raising money to help offset the expenses of raising and releasing wildlife in 2008. Expenses include: food, shelter, and vet bills. In addition, AWBAR is raising money to help establish not-for-profit status.

You can read more about AWBAR by visiting the following sites:
Official Website:

As of June 24, 2008, AWBAR has lost 13 baby raccoons to the deadly Parvo virus, please we need your help!


There are several ways you can help:

You can make purchases from the AWBAR Etsy shop. Check out all of the wonderful handmade items that have been donated to the Shop! Buy a Ringer Pin!
100% proceeds go to helping abandoned wild baby animals.

Direct donations can be made to AWBAR's PayPal account
( - Remember, use the @ sign, and no spaces.

Purchases from the Etsy Angels Street Team Members
*See below

During the month of August, the Etsy Angels Street Team is raising money to help AWBAR.

Each member is either donating items to the AWBAR Shop where 100% proceeds go to the AWBAR or donating a percentage of their August sales.

Help us help the baby animals!

You can search AWBAR and EANGTEAM for items for sale. Each purchase helps the baby animals.

Thank you so much!


The Etsy Angels Team formed after the hard work and dedication of several people who came together and raised money for two little boys that had lost their mom in a fatal car accident in December 2007.

Moderator- Wildlifer78

Posted at 7:24pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT


10% of all of my sales for the month of August will go to helping the baby animals at the Abandoned Wild Animal Babies Rescue in Lockport, IL

Posted at 7:29pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

Hooray for AWBAR! How kind of the Etsy Angels Team!!

Posted at 7:37pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

Be sure to check out AWBAR's Etsy Shop

There is a great sale section!! Lots of beading supplies!

And check out these super cute buttons:
They're only 50 CENTS!

Posted at 7:39pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

YAY!! Thanks for stopping by EnsorcelledMinds!!!!

Posted at 7:39pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

You, and even your little ones, can show your support for AWBAR by wearing these fabulous AWBAR Logo T-Shirts!



0-3 Month Onesie:

Posted at 7:44pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

I love these totes. Would make great bags for the grocery store, library, picking up the mail, carrying craft supplies, the beach, or even for school!


Posted at 7:46pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

These are ADORABLE photos!

The photos of the raccoons are all babies rescued and raised at AWBAR!§ion_id=5456594

Posted at 7:48pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

Our first treasury dedicated to our efforts to help AWBAR!

Expires Monday 12:15 am

Your clicks and comments are very much appreciated! Thanks!

Posted at 8:07pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT

There are several ways you can help:

You can make purchases from the AWBAR Etsy shop. Check out all of the wonderful handmade items that have been donated to the Shop! Buy a Ringer Pin!
100% proceeds go to helping abandoned wild baby animals.

Direct donations can be made to AWBAR's PayPal account
( - Remember, use the @ sign, and no spaces.

Purchases from the Etsy Angels Street Team Members

Wildlifer78 - donating 10% of August sales

craftsbychris - donating 10% of August sales

Posted at 8:42pm Aug 1, 2008 EDT