Bailout plan REJECTED!!

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Original Post

What are you guys thinking about this? I'm feeling really uncertain about a TON of things right now!

Do you really think this will be the next great Depression like some people are saying??

Posted at 2:23pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT


I KNOW! I was blown away. I am reading the details now.
What happened?

Posted at 2:23pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT

I have to say I'm really glad.

Posted at 2:24pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT

Lunachick says

I think everything will be just fine. That's just my opinion, though.

Posted at 2:24pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT


Somebody already posted about this...

It was rejected by only a small margin!

Posted at 2:24pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT


I also feel very uncertain! In some ways, I am glad that the Republicans didn't accept the plan that would foot the taxpayers with the $700 billion bailout. But then I worry about ... what next? What's the solution?

Posted at 2:25pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT

Two leading players also spoke early Monday, lobbying on morning television news shows for approval of a package deeply unpopular with a public angry that taxpayer money will save Wall Street firms from heavy risk-taking. Thousands of angry phone calls, e-mails and letters have poured into Capitol Hill from constituents. Supporters essentially acknowledged that it was a hold-your-nose-and-vote matter

Posted at 2:26pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT

ehappy says

OMG my initial thought is happiness...I'll have to read more details about what's next, what the solution is...but I'm sure everyone will be just fine so long as they keep a check on their own pocketbooks.

Posted at 2:26pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT


[inserts requisite "thank god i live in canada" remark]

Posted at 2:27pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT

Do you really think this will be the next great Depression like some people are saying??

Yes, whether the bailout goes through or not.

We're in a bad place, and throwing money at the wealthiest, or giving anybody money for free, is not the way to address it.

Posted at 2:27pm Sep 29, 2008 EDT