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Tell me how buying a charm and putting an earring hook on it constitutes as hand made?

Shouldn't all those listings be flagged? They are not listed as a supply or vintage.

Am I wrong?

Posted at 11:57pm Oct 2, 2008 EDT


it's "hand assembled" and is allowed

Posted at 11:58pm Oct 2, 2008 EDT

Ruby Grimes avatar
foofooandmore says

I think there is alot of items on Etsy that are not handmade What do you think

Posted at 12:00am Oct 3, 2008 EDT

I saw a pendant that was DEFINITELY on ModCloth.com and i flagged it.

Posted at 12:01am Oct 3, 2008 EDT


Posted at 12:01am Oct 3, 2008 EDT

bethanyscreations avatar
bethanyscreations says

I think simple earrings like what I think you are talking about are wanted by some that can't make them themselves. I personally like small, simple earrings best, but if I didn't know how to make them I would want someone out there that could.

Posted at 12:03am Oct 3, 2008 EDT

I've never flagged anything until now...I just don't get it.

It seems sometimes that it's all about making money, I feel kinda sad.

Posted at 12:04am Oct 3, 2008 EDT

But those people are claiming to have made them, when in actual fact they bought them and put a hook on them and are reselling them as a piece they made themselves! That's what I have a problem with, not that they are selling them, or that people are buying them, by all means! go ahead, but don't say you made them when clearly a machine did.

Posted at 12:05am Oct 3, 2008 EDT

I just flagged a shop that was selling stuff that looked liked it came from a wholesale house or smc. Etsy did take it down the next day. But there is getting to be alot of non handmade items. It's getting very sad

Posted at 12:07am Oct 3, 2008 EDT

I had a pair of earrings:

They were very simple but I made them with a meaning behind them. I usually embellish my charms with something else, a stone or a crystal but these I left just because of the symbolism behind them. I hope that they wouldn't have been on your list...

Posted at 12:10am Oct 3, 2008 EDT