Is this place for me?

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Since joining Etsy a little over a month ago, I've been having a hard time relating to many of the people on the site. I haven't made any sales (which actually isn't the biggest issue), but I guess I was a bit misled by my first impressions of the site. I am an avid reader of Design*Sponge, who features Etsy sellers often. From that, I though this was the place for me! After participating in several forums and chatrooms, I have become frustrated and am beginning to second guess my choice to open a shop...

Any suggestions of teams I should join or people that are experiencing the same feelings?

Posted at 3:44pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT


artgirlx says

What are you frustrated with, specifically?

Posted at 3:45pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

AuntieTam says

Tiffany is it the tone of the forums? or chatrooms? What seems to be bothering you?

Posted at 3:48pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

Yeah, what's the problem exactly?

Posted at 3:50pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

reanee says

I have never gone into a chat room. I do post on forums now and then but mostly end up being a thread killer.
I let my store speak for itself. Yep things are slow, but hey at least I have a store, if someone needs something I make, at least it is in the store, and available.
I am a memeber of a couple of teams, and the people on them are the greatest, and most helpful.
As far as relating to people here, well not sure what ya mean by that. The most relating to people here I have is that we have stores, and want to sell, and make happy customer's, and return customer's.

Posted at 3:55pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

Sorry you are having a hard time but what were you expecting Vs. what you have experienced?

Posted at 3:57pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

calobee says

I think only you can answer that question for yourself.

What are you looking to find here?

Sales? Friends? Other artists/designers/crafters to talk with? Inspiration? Motivation? :)

Posted at 3:57pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

Sorry you feel that way. Maybe you have been in the wrong threads?

I know I have met many fantastic people I have tons in common with here...

Posted at 3:58pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

If you're worried about relating to people here on "Etc."
You'll eventually find someone you can relate to, but it's quite a mixed bag, as are most places.
As for sales, I don't think you need to relate to people to have good sales, you just need to find out who relates to YOU and get them into your shop.
I'm sure it will work out for you eventually!

Posted at 3:58pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT

I've been a little disappointed with the level of work I've seen... maybe I haven't tried hard enough to connect with people who are more in the area of fine art rather than crafts.

I also feel like there is a condescending tone in the forums and chatrooms. I'm new so I don't have any sales yet, but people who have had only 5 sales in the past year think they know everything about how to run a good shop!

I was hoping to find some other sellers who are doing innovative work that challenges me. So far, I have found few.

Posted at 3:59pm Oct 9, 2008 EDT