Your favorite Promo techniques :)

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Hi! I'm starting a blog series on what different etsians do that find their success. Promotion is a BIG deal and I know a lot of us struggle to find the right amount of time on promotion versus time creating. So I'm doing some research. Please list what avenues YOU use to promote your shop and increase your face-time on-line, any thoughts and comments are also appreciated! I'll let you know what the results are soon :)

As for me I:

~ Carry and pass out business cards.
~ Blog regularly ( and
~ Run an on-going BNR treasury (sorry, wasn't able to snag one last round).
~ Project Wonderful Ads.
~ Entrecard.
~ Member of the teams the Etsy Bloggers (search for us with the tag etsybloggers team) and Team Big Damn Crafters (search for us with the tag TeamBDC).

I have more things I'd like to do - but that's the current list! Now tell me yours - and feel free to do promo links to promote yourself! That's what this is all about anyway right?


Posted at 9:49pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT


I KNOW you guys are out there promoting - come share with us what you do - pllllleeeaaaaasssssseee!

Posted at 9:57pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT

does starting a blog really help? i have one for our family but i have not thought about doing one for craft...

Posted at 10:00pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT

What's entrecard?

Posted at 10:00pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT


business cards
project wonderful ads
proud member of the cafemom etsy team

i also spread the word through my cafemom, myspace, facebook and twitter accounts... oh and i just started a blog =)

wow, i never realized what a busy woman i am, hahaha!

Posted at 10:01pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT

CoasterandCards - I think a blog can help, but it takes a lot of time and dedication! Check out if your interested. :)

Ornamentary - They have a lot of information on their site about what they are and what they do, but basically it's a blog networking site that helps get free exposure to your blog site, you just have to put in a little effort!

SugarBugSlings - sounds busy to me!

Posted at 10:03pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT

GoGoKioko avatar
GoGoKioko says

Hi Ruthie :)

I am working on not promoting willy nilly. I have a promotion schedule-
Monday- Flickr, blog, entrecard
Tues- Indypublic, Deviantart, Project Wonderful
Wed- Blog, research new promoting opportunities, entrecard
Thurs-Deviantart, Project Wonderful, update Craigslist
Fri- Blog, Flickr, entrecard, research new

I also Twitter and post on the forums (though I don't really consider either promoting, just enjoyable!)

Posted at 10:05pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT

JoBead says

- wear things I've made
- always have cards on-hand
- sell in bridal shops
- participate in Girl's Night Out with a store downtown

I think that's it! :)

Posted at 10:06pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT

Hi Jenny! I like the idea of having a schedule - I should think about that :)

JoBead - selling in bridal shops? That's a pretty sweet deal!

Posted at 10:10pm Oct 17, 2008 EDT