How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?

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julimarx says

I was 6 and I figured it out on my own. My mom was pretty obvious with her coverups so it was easy to figure out.

Yesterday my older sister told me that she was 14 when she figured it goodness! How is that possible?

Posted at 2:24pm Nov 16, 2008 EST


GemsAblaze says

You mean I'm not supposed to believe in Santa?

Posted at 2:25pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

What?! Santa isn't real? But... he's my friend on Twitter.

Posted at 2:25pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

I haven't!

Posted at 2:26pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

My family never made me believe in Santa, so when I started school, I was shocked that everyone else thought he was real:)

Posted at 2:26pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

julimarx says

You can believe if you want to ;)

Posted at 2:26pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

I don't think I ever believed in Santa. I don't remember being told of him at home and well, living in an apartment building with a fake fireplace....

need I say more?

Posted at 2:26pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

julimarx says

I wonder what i would tell my children...I kind of feel like pretending he's real is lying...

Posted at 2:27pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

I don't know. I guess I kind of always knew, but part of me, even today, still wants to believe in Santa. Even if he isn't a single person. It's the thought, the idea, the whole thing Santa stands for that I want/need to believe in.

Posted at 2:28pm Nov 16, 2008 EST

julimarx says

amytreasures, the fireplace thing, exactly...maybe my mom wanted me to think that he came in through the air vents.

Posted at 2:28pm Nov 16, 2008 EST