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I just realized this. You have got to freaking kidding me!

I just don't have anything good to say.

Talk about discrimination of religion, what a joke, I'm so mad I'm steaming right now. Maybe there will be something in the "Dark Arts" that will make me feel better! Maybe a vodoo doll or two?

Posted at 12:01am Nov 20, 2008 EST


Eh, a lot of GG's got dropped by the wayside as well (jewelry addicts, writers and readers, etc)...

It isn't religious discrimination, it is STUPIDITY discrimination :)

Posted at 12:02am Nov 20, 2008 EST

OK I'm sorry but I guess I don't follow you.

Posted at 12:03am Nov 20, 2008 EST

ravenwren says

Which religion do you mean. You want to see Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Kwanza? I mean, there might just be too many and then by leaving one of them out THAT would be discriminating. Or, what if you don't celebrate Christmas. They THOSE people would be offended. I feel like Etsy just could never get it right. =0)

Posted at 12:03am Nov 20, 2008 EST

jenhintz avatar
jenhintz says

Dark Arts is referring to things like Steampunk and goth-type art, not to satan-worship or anything. It's got nothing at all to do with religion of any kind.

Posted at 12:03am Nov 20, 2008 EST

bluecitrusgraphics avatar
bluecitrusgraphics says

join the club of steaming and mad!

Posted at 12:04am Nov 20, 2008 EST

ETSY won't have a "Religious" or "Spiritual" gift guide because it's to controversial during the "HOLIDAY" season. But they have a GG designated for the "DARK ARTS", makes perfectly good sense to me. Especially at CHRISTIMAS time. There, I used the big "C" word, God forbid.

Posted at 12:04am Nov 20, 2008 EST

ChristinaPerdue avatar
ChristinaPerdue says

The dark arts GG has nothing to do with religion.

Posted at 12:05am Nov 20, 2008 EST

jenhintz avatar
jenhintz says

Ravenwren's exactly right. The best way to avoid offending or leaving out any particular religion is to avoid religious things altogether. I happen to like that approach, being in one of the "minority" religions that would never get a single mention.

Posted at 12:05am Nov 20, 2008 EST